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Kristina Lang
Sep 14, 20202 min read
Unfamiliar territory
Dear Doc, No matter how much I miss you and wish to see you or at least hear your voice, afterwards it is hard to write to you. Shortly...

Kristina Lang
Sep 9, 20201 min read
It is hard to be modest in love
Dear Doc, I often think about you and I am happy when I have a reason to call you. It takes me days to prepare myself to call you, but...

Kristina Lang
Aug 22, 20202 min read
Cappuccino in Bury St Edmunds
Dear Doc, Yesterday I went on a short journey with Sara to a neighbouring town, Bury St Edmunds. We have only been there once before many...

Kristina Lang
Jul 25, 20202 min read
Love is bigger in poems and I am truly a poet
Dear Doc, Today is one lazy Saturday which I have largely spent at home. I decided to go into town for a cappuccino in spite of a rainy...

Kristina Lang
Jul 10, 20202 min read
Can love ever be boring?
Dear Doc, The holiday season started recently, and I have a strong wish to go on holiday to my home country. My ex-husband and I have...

Kristina Lang
Jul 8, 20202 min read
If only I knew I would someday be writing poems to an Englishman.
Dear Doc, I arrived in our home city a little over twenty years ago. When I first arrived, I worked as a postdoctoral researcher in the...

Kristina Lang
Jul 4, 20202 min read
Unconditional love
Dear Doc, I spent the biggest part of this Saturday alone, but not lonely. I most of all love to spend time with my daughter, and also...

Kristina Lang
Jul 2, 20202 min read
My first friend I told about you
Dear Doc, Today I was at work and in the middle of the day I went to Mama Amalfi with my friend Kevin whom I have known for almost a...

Kristina Lang
Jun 27, 20202 min read
Please make it possible
Dear Doc, After lockdown, in which I had two girls with me, I am now alone. Sara moved to her dad’s place a week ago. As a very little...

Kristina Lang
Jun 23, 20202 min read
Given the chance to know you better, I would learn fast.
Dear Doc, Three working days at the Department are behind me and today I work from home again. It is great to be back at work and to...

Kristina Lang
Jun 17, 20202 min read
“If only I had one Doc”
Dear Doc, The lockdown is coming to an end for many people. Still, thousands get infected every day and I am wondering, who are these...

Kristina Lang
Jun 15, 20202 min read
The word “impossible” always defeats me, but just for the moment
Dear Doc, I had a great Sunday, spent with Sara, her dad and his partner, Ajda. Sara’s dad is a very caring father that is actively...

Kristina Lang
Jun 10, 20201 min read
Having you would be marvellous
Dear Doc, The poem below is the second poem written in the country park close to my home. I am happy I have rediscovered this place as I...

Kristina Lang
Jun 3, 20202 min read
I think you will understand, but will you stay?
Dear Doc, When I decided to write a blog, I only knew I wanted to write letters to you. My idea was to put in writing what I feel about...

Kristina Lang
May 28, 20202 min read
Mixed feelings
Dear Doc, Today everything was in the name of politics. I listened to the PM’s main adviser Dominic Cummings’s, statement to the British...

Kristina Lang
May 27, 20201 min read
I’d love to be your soul mate
Dear Doc, Today was a mostly nice and relaxing day with the exception of one stressful hour. I worked in my garden and had a short nap in...

Kristina Lang
May 23, 20203 min read
I am a patient that needs you, not just any doctor, to be well
Dear Doc, Yesterday was a weird day that began and ended badly. First, I went to the pharmacy to pick up the medication you prescribed...

Kristina Lang
May 20, 20202 min read
Seeing you means the world to me, but I must not say this to you
Dear Doc, It was wonderful seeing you today. When I phoned surgery in the morning, I was very nervous. As always, I had to tell the...

Kristina Lang
May 16, 20202 min read
I'll see you my darling
Dear Doc, Today is about six weeks since we last spoke, and two and half months since we saw each other. Next week I will call surgery...

Kristina Lang
May 15, 20202 min read
In my mind I often recall the way you say “Kristina”
Kristina In front of your door I find joy This is my playground, my happy place Like a girl that chases a boy The waiting area becomes my...
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