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Kristina Lang
2 days ago1 min read
Stay strong Palestine/Ostani jaka Palestino
On your chest rests the heaviness of the world, It must be incredibly hard to stay and to be. Your suffering is massive, nights must be...

Kristina Lang
Jan 254 min read
The fragile and delicate cease-fire in Gaza/Osjetljivi i krhki prekid vatre u Gazi
A week ago, I spent a week in front of the TV watching the news non-stop from morning until late at night. The long-awaited end to the...

Kristina Lang
Jan 163 min read
New Year’s Joy/Novogodišnje radosti
My daughter and I somehow always spontaneously travel to Zagreb for New Year's Eve. We like to welcome the New Year on the main square of...

Kristina Lang
Dec 25, 20243 min read
Christmas Eve at The Eagle Pub/Badnjak u pubu The Eagle
When the Christmas celebrations in the work environment were brought to an end, Christmas itself began to approach. I had a very clear...

Kristina Lang
Dec 16, 20243 min read
Christmas bowling with company/Božićno kuglanje sa društvom
Celebrating Christmas with the people I work with usually takes place in two events in the first half of December. First, we have a...

Kristina Lang
Nov 12, 20245 min read
The world is a challenging place today/Svijet je danas izazovno mjesto
There is so much going on in the world today that watching the news is the most interesting thriller ever filmed. My wide-open eyes are...

Kristina Lang
Oct 18, 20242 min read
Red sky and you/Crveno nebo i ti
I met you that year when the sky was black, And the tears flowed like a grey waterfall down my burning face. I was sitting in a canopy...

Kristina Lang
Oct 2, 20244 min read
40 years of friendship/Prijateljstva duga 40 godina
The friendships that survived and were maintained despite the time that has passed and despite the distances which life has placed...

Kristina Lang
Sep 14, 20242 min read
Our love is autumnal/Naša je ljubav jesenja
In spring love, one loves quickly, passionately and strongly. Then the sun's rays collide within us, The blood in our bodies is a spring...

Kristina Lang
Sep 12, 20243 min read
Warmth in our hearts/Toplina nam u srcu
Every stay in my Croatia fulfils me, recharges my batteries and reminds me how happy I am to belong to that wonderful country and its...

Kristina Lang
Aug 28, 20242 min read
Sometimes I dream red/Ponekad sanjam crveno
Sometimes during the late summer nights I dream a red sun that goes down behind a grey mountain. I look up and the sky is reddish and...

Kristina Lang
Aug 8, 20242 min read
Like in the stories/Kao u pričama
It’s a long, warm summer’s day I live life and I love more than I can say. I stay near the peaceful river and I sing In my soul I find...

Kristina Lang
Jul 18, 20243 min read
Graduation - a day to remember/Promocija – dan za pamćenje
Years, months and days pass in a sequence and once we turn around, look behind us and see that a part of life has passed. However, there...

Kristina Lang
Jul 7, 20242 min read
My turquoise Adriatic/Jadrane moj tirkizni
I'm coming back to you from the wilderness, my Adriatic, Your gentle bays carry me through the days. Blue sky, turquoise sea, white...

Kristina Lang
Jun 28, 20245 min read
About "Hope", the new book by Ante Tomić/O novoj knjizi Ante Tomića “Nada”
A well-known Croatian journalist and, in my opinion, the most important Croatian writer of today, recently published a new book called...

Kristina Lang
Jun 26, 20241 min read
You and me, my love/Ti i ja, moja voljena
Every day with you my beloved There is a trace of the sun that warms and warms. Your years are my sun and day And I don't remember what...

Kristina Lang
Jun 18, 20242 min read
Sunday morning shines/Sjaj nedeljnog jutra
One Sunday morning you’ll knock on my door, I’ll look at you, our eyes meeting in silence. “May I come in?” your lips will move, For...

Kristina Lang
Jun 11, 20243 min read
My youth and Dejan/Moja mladost i Dejan
Recently, the photo attached to this article brought me back to my past and my life from 35 years ago. I was young and in love with a...

Kristina Lang
Jun 9, 20243 min read
All the Palestinian girls in Gaza are Anne Frank/Sve su Palestinske djevojčice u Gazi Ana Frank
A lot of awful things are happening in the world these days. In Europe, for the third year, a raging war in which occupying Russia is...

Kristina Lang
May 25, 20243 min read
Finally, the hand of the international court shook/Konačno je zamahnula ruka međunarodnog suda
For months now, the world has been watching the Israeli retaliation in Gaza. Hamas killed 1,139 people, mostly Israelis, in October 2023,...
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