When the Christmas celebrations in the work environment were brought to an end, Christmas itself began to approach. I had a very clear idea that I wanted to spend this year's Christmas holiday in my home and the whole day in my pyjamas. I rarely afford that, so the very thought of it made me happy. Fortunately, my daughter immediately embraced the idea.
However, considering that we wanted to spend this year's holidays in England, where we live, we also wanted to touch part of the English atmosphere. So, on Christmas Eve, we booked a table in the most famous pub in Cambridge, The Eagle. The pub became especially famous because Nobel laureates Watson and Crick frequented it. There is a legend that once they realized that they had solved the structure of DNA, they came to the pub and announced to everyone who happened to be "We have solved the secret of life”, and they paid a drink to the whole pub. There are still photographs of them in the pub above the table where they usually sat.
My daughter and I got dressed up and went to the pub where there were quite a few people, although not too many. We ordered Christmas special turkey for dinner expecting something special. Unfortunately, the food differed from the standards of British Croats, and I only ate the cauliflower and left the rest. My Sara ate a little more, but even the dessert was bad. However, we do not regret going there on Christmas Eve because the atmosphere was very pleasant and beautiful. We didn't stay too long because we were hurrying home to the Christmas celebration on TV, organized for the fourth year in a row by Catherine, Princess of Wales.
And so, Christmas continues, and I am happy because all my loved ones are well.
Dear friends, Merry Christmas.
With love
Wednesday, December 25, 2024
Badnjak u pubu The Eagle
Kad su Božićne proslave u random okruženju privedene kraju tako se počeo približavati sam Božić. Imala sam dosta jasnu ideju da ovogodišnji Božićni blagdan želim provesti u svom domu i to čitav dan u pidžami. To si rijetko priuštim pa me sama pomisao na to veselila. Srećom moja je kćer odmah prigrlila ideju.
No, obzirom da samo ovogodišnje blagdane željele provesti u Engleskoj gdje živimo poželjele smo dotaknuti i dio engleskog ambijenta. Tako smo na Badnjak uveče rezervirale stol u najpoznatijem pubu u Cambridgeu The Eagle. Pub se posebno proslavio po tome što su u njega svojevremeno stalno navraćali Nobelovci Watson i Crick. Kruži legenda da su oni nakon što su shvatili da su razriješili strukturu DNA došli u pub i obznanili svima koji su se zatekli “Riješili smo tajnu života” i još su častili čitav pub. U pubu još postoje njihove fotografije iznad stola na kojem su obično sjedili.
Moja kćer i ja smo se dotjerale i došle u pub u kojem je bilo dosta ljudi, iako ne previse. Naručile smo Božićni specijaltet puricu za večeru u očekivanju nečeg posebnog. Hrana je nažalost odudarala od standarda Britanskih Hrvatica i ja sam pojela samo karfiol. Moja je Sara pojela nešto višeali čak je i desert bio loš. Ipak, nije nam žao što smo tamo izašle na Badnjak jer je atmosfera bila jako ugodna i lijepa. Nismo se predugo zadržale jer smo se žurile kući na Božićnu proslavu na TVu koju već četvrtu godinu za redom organizira Carherine, princeza od Walesa.
I tako Božićno večer traje, a ja sam sretna jer su svi moji dragi i voljeni dobro.
Dragi prijatelji sretan vam Božić.
S ljubavlju
Srijeda, 25. prosinca 2024.