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Writer's pictureKristina Lang

Given the chance to know you better, I would learn fast.

Dear Doc,

Three working days at the Department are behind me and today I work from home again. It is great to be back at work and to communicate directly with colleagues again. I can tell that our researchers are very keen to work and I think in a few days’ time the pressure of work expectations will grow fast. This is normal for ambitious researchers at our University and I realised that I have even missed that pressure. Walking through the building is a bit annoying as the main corridors are not broad enough to keep people at 2m distance, so the management decided to make them one way. When I enter the building, it is fine for me as I take my ordinary route, but the exit is contra intuitive. So, on my walk out yesterday I went the wrong way and met a group of researchers coming from the correct way at the very end who looked surprised when they saw me. I only realised that I was going the wrong way once I was in the middle but could not be bothered to go back all the way around the reasonably large building. I told them “I went the wrong way”. They smiled and let me pass.

During lunch I took a break and went for a walk into the city centre with my co-worker, Lisa, for the first time in three months. I went to see how my friends from the coffee shop Mama Amalfi survived the lockdown and was very happy when I realised the shop was open for take away. I had a chat with the owner, Pasquale, and his son, Luca. Pasquale was optimistic and made jokes, but Luca seemed in a low mood. I believe their Mama Amalfi will survive this crisis in spite of being a very small coffee shop with no possibility of keeping 2m distance. They have the best coffee and the most delicious croissants in our city.

You see, I just wanted to recommend you to try the coffee in Mama Amalfi if you haven’t already, which has me realising how little I know about your habits. If you ever give me the chance to know you a bit better, I will learn fast.

Lots of love,


Tuesday June 23rd, 2020

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