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Kristina Lang
Jul 16, 20233 min read
For Novak and Goran/Za Novaka i Gorana
In January 2022, when I was suffering from Covid, which, due to the proper vaccination, only scratched me, the news was about the saga of...

Kristina Lang
Jul 8, 20234 min read
A connection with my roots/Veza sa mojim korjenima
The penultimate day of my annual vacation in Croatia was extremely beautiful and filled with emotions towards dear people whom I rarely...

Kristina Lang
Jul 1, 20232 min read
A touch of my summer/Dodir mog ljeta
The years add up, and a large number have accumulated in me, But the same and strong fire still burns, the sun shapes my path. Transience...

Kristina Lang
Jun 25, 20232 min read
Once life opens an ajar door And when you start the paths of discovery and knowledge, You will realize how little you knew and loved, You...

Kristina Lang
Jun 23, 20233 min read
Early summer in Novalja/Rano ljeto u Novalji
This early summer, like many during my life, I decided to spend in my Croatia. Considering that I come from a country known for summer...

Kristina Lang
Jun 14, 20232 min read
In love with an Englishman/Zaljubljena u Engleza
I am not free; I am very much taken by him. Although he does not know how much he has me, Although, months and years pass without us, My...

Kristina Lang
Jun 10, 20233 min read
It can't be/On nie može
These days, my daughter, who is studying for a master's degree in neuroscience, has to prepare a poster presentation. She is a little...

Kristina Lang
Jun 3, 20232 min read
Impossible love/Nemoguća ljubav
My love is designed as the water lily, A beautiful flower on the grandiose leaf. Spread over the water with the hidden stem, In this pond...

Kristina Lang
May 25, 20234 min read
Remembering Youth Day 1984/Sjećanje na Dan Mladosti 1984.
On this day, the birthday of Josip Broz Tito was celebrated in the former Yugoslavia, which became a national holiday called Youth Day...

Kristina Lang
May 16, 20232 min read
Somehow endlessly yours/Nekako konačno tvoja
Sometimes I dream that I have you and that you are here, Next to my headboard, a colourful feather pillow. Purple dreams on a green lawn...

Kristina Lang
May 8, 20233 min read
Zagreb Zoo/Zagrebački zoološki vrt
When I was a little girl in the early years of elementary school, I travelled from the village where I lived to the zoo in Zagreb,...

Kristina Lang
May 1, 20233 min read
Workers’ Day 2023, Maksimir/Praznik rada 2023. u Maksimiru
In Croatia, everyone knows that May 1st is celebrated as International Workers’ Day. May 1st is also a holiday in England, but no one...

Kristina Lang
Apr 22, 20232 min read
I love you even in anger/Volim te i u ljutnji
Today you are close, I wish you were closer. I would hug you, kiss the corners of your lips, The lines of laughter around your eyes would...

Kristina Lang
Apr 14, 20235 min read
What annoys me about the English and vice versa/Što me nervira kod Engleza i vice versa
Even though I've lived in England for twenty-one years, which is more than I've lived as an adult anywhere, including Croatia, some small...

Kristina Lang
Apr 8, 20239 min read
Interview with math teacher Lidija Lončar/Interviju sa učiteljicom matematike Lidijom Lončar
My friend from elementary school, Lidija Lončar, works in an Elementary school as a mathematics teacher. I have known Lidija since my...

Kristina Lang
Mar 30, 20231 min read
Love and other daffodils/Ljubav i drugi narcisi
In every shy sunshine I see a new start, Sun all around, shinning with golden hope. Do not be surprised, spring is in my heart. Love and...

Kristina Lang
Mar 25, 202320 min read
Interview with psychiatrist Dr Anna Yankova/Interviju sa psihijatrom Dr. Annom Yankovom
During a difficult period in my life, I was lucky enough to come across a person who wanted to help me and who also knew how to do that,...

Kristina Lang
Mar 12, 20235 min read
The beauty of the film "Lady Chatterley's Lover/Ljepota filma "Ljubavnik Lady Chaterlley"
As a devoted filmophile, I often and gladly watch films that leave different impressions on me. It is not uncommon for me to forget what...

Kristina Lang
Mar 4, 20233 min read
The Alma Pub Quiz/Kviz u pubu Alma
After more than twenty years of living in England, I discovered a typical English entertainment - a pub quiz. For months, I listened to...

Kristina Lang
Feb 26, 20233 min read
Eurovision nostalgia/Eurovizijska nostalgija
In my last article, I wrote about Croatia's selection for the Eurovision Song Contest 2023. This surprising song reflects the sick and...
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