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Writer's pictureKristina Lang

I love you even in anger/Volim te i u ljutnji

Today you are close, I wish you were closer.

I would hug you, kiss the corners of your lips,

The lines of laughter around your eyes would deepen.

I know, when you lie down you feel my kisses.

My mornings are soft with desires, my desires are like the sea,

In the depths I dance for you a forgotten dance.

I shout your name from the mountains, the winds caress my voice,

Arise and be my echo, break that great hill for us.

I'm going and I'm not giving up, with you and by your side.

I travel these expanses without end, through the depths,

Some memory breaks me, but lights carry me into your arms.

Embrace my persisting soul, breathe my cry of love for us.

Be my dawn, don't let the dark paths come,

Argue with my silent tears of rose oil.

You are in the ikebana of my narrowed loves and unfulfilled desires,

I love you even in anger, your existence is the clear source of my joy.


Saturday, April 22nd, 2023

Photograph/Fotograf: Ljiljana Fruk

Volim te i u ljutnji

Danas si blizu, voljela bih da si bliže,

Grlila bi te, ljubila uglove tvojih usana,

Borice smijeha oko tvojih očiju postale bi dublje.

Znam, dok liježeš osjećaš moje poljupce.

Jutra su mi meka od želja, moja su htijenja kao mora,

U dubinama plešem za tebe zaboravljeni ples.

Sa planina vičem tvoje ime, vjetrovi miluju moj glas,

Ustani i budi moja jeka, slomi to veliko brdo za nas.

Idem i ne posustajem, sa tobom i uz tebe.

Putujem tim prostranstvima bez kraja, kroz dubine,

Lomi me neko sjećanje, al’ svjetla me nose u tvoje ruke.

Zagrli moju treptavu dušu, udahni moj krik ljubavi za nas.

Budi moja zora, nedaj mračnim stazama da dođu,

Svađaj se sa mojim tihim suzama od ružinog ulja.

U ikebani si mojih stješnjenih ljubavi i neostvarenih želja,

Volim te i u ljutnji, tvoje je postojanje bistri izvor mog veselja.


Subota, 22. travnja 2023.

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