I met you that year when the sky was black,
And the tears flowed like a grey waterfall down my burning face.
I was sitting in a canopy that looked like the edge of a cliff
And I know that the step is difficult because the hill is steep.
I met you when summer was like a sea storm.
Blue birds brought my soul to the palm of my hand;
Brown pants, white shirt and a smile like a dream.
I still clearly remember that look while my insides were buzzing.
We met and I stopped, looked at you in wonder.
I didn't know right away that the sky had changed colours.
In the dark sky of hope and the dark sky of my soul
The aurora from the north rose up and blew away my darkness sharply.
We'll meet again, from time to time the sky turns red,
Only the few understand the happiness of my coloured nights and stop.
My dreams are bright, with your eyes I am still looking forward to waiting,
And the cherry tree in your garden is still a bright dream for me to decorate.
Friday, October 18th, 2024
Photographer/Fotograf: Ljiljana Fruk
Crveno nebo i ti
Upoznah te one godine kad je nebo bilo crno,
A suze su tekle k’o sivi slap niz goruće lice.
Sjedila sam u nekoj krošnji nalik na rub litice
I znala sam da je korak težak jer je brdo strmo.
Upoznah te kad je ljeto nalikovalo morskoj oluji.
Plave ptice su moju dušu donijele na dlan;
Smeđe hlače, bijela košulja i osmjeh kao san
Još se jasno sjećam pogleda dok mi u utrobi struji.
Sreli smo se i ja sam zastala, u čudu te pogledala.
Nisam odmah znala da je nebo promjenilo boje.
U tamnom nebu nadamnom i tamnom nebu duše moje
Aurora sa sjevera se nadivila i moju tamu britko otpuhnula.
Srećemo se još, sa vremena na vrijeme nebo pocrveni,
Sreću mojih obojenih noći samo rijetki shvate i zastanu.
Snovi su mi vedri, uz tvoje oči još se veselim čekanju,
A drvo trešnje u tvom vrtu još mi je sjajni san ukrašeni.
Petak, 18. listopada 2024.