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Writer's pictureKristina Lang

A touch of my summer/Dodir mog ljeta

The years add up, and a large number have accumulated in me,

But the same and strong fire still burns, the sun shapes my path.

Transience scares me only when I stop for a moment.

Open eyes and heart endlessly change that angle.

Time is catching up with me, but I'm not afraid of that race.

The days are still full of sea, the ship is in my arms.

I sail alone and my own and on the way I meet you;

Bluish mornings and early sun speed up my walk.

And fleetingness flows, sailboats crucify their sails in my soul,

I am still cheerfully and happily catching up with life, there is still me.

There are surprises on my horizons, I met you,

And in our eyes, some ancient winter melted away forever.

In that endless time, my sea is still there.

I keep coming back to it, only sometimes I am touched by a memory.

Wind in my sails, swaying on the waves of happiness,

And a smile on my lips. Your kiss is the touch of my summer.


Saturday, July 1st, 2023

Dodir mog ljeta

Godine se broje i u meni se nakupio velik broj,

Al’ ista i jaka vatra još plamti, sunce kroji moj put.

Prolaznost me plaši samo kad zastanem na tren.

Otvorene oči i srce bez kraja promjene taj kut.

Vrijeme me sustiže al’ ne bojim se te utrke.

Dani su još puni mora, u naručju mi brod.

Plovim sama i svoja i usput sretnem tebe;

Plavičasta jutra i rano sunce ubrzavaju moj hod.

I teče prolaznost, jedrilice mi u duši razapinju jedra,

Ja još veselo i sretno sustižem život, još me ima.

Na horizontima mojim ima iznenađenja, tebe sam srela

I u našim se pogledima zauvijek otopila neka davna zima.

U tom vremenu bez kraja moje more je još tu.

Vraćam mu se stalno, samo ponekad dotakne me sjeta.

U jedrima mi vjetar, njišem se na valovima sreće,

A na usnama mi osmjeh. Tvoj poljubac je dodir mog ljeta.


Subota, 1. srpnja 2023.

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