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Writer's pictureKristina Lang

Minuet in my soul/Menuet u mojoj duši

In my soul sorrows dance a minuet,

They are a part of me, and I wear them gently.

I go through the days; I don't count the nights.

Bright sky within me, I have little to fear.

Someone is playing Bach for me in the distance,

With piano notes, the nights pass, it is the time of dreams.

Time lessens memories and brings melancholy,

The clouds of old worlds caress me.

Life carries in itself some dance, polka or minuet,

It is important to experience and touch the beauty of them.

The wealth of love and kindness creates beautiful people.

In our depths, we are devoted to life because of someone.

I write to you step by step with music,

My verses are like notes, not everyone hears them.

With a bow I raise and lower my eyelids

You are with me now, at least for a moment.


Saturday, December 2nd, 2023

Menuet u mojoj duši

U duši mi tuge plešu menuet,

One su dio mene i ja ih nježno nosim.

Prolazim kroz dane, noći ne brojim.

Svjetlo nebo u meni, malo čega se bojim.

U daljini netko svira Bacha za mene,

Uz zvuk klavira protiču noći, doba je snova.

Vrijeme odnosi sjećanja i donosi sjetu,

U meni se miluju oblaci starih svjetova.

Život nosi u sebi neki ples, polka ili menuet,

Važno je u njima doživjeti, dotaknuti ljepotu.

Bogatstvo ljubavi i dobrote stvara lijepe ljude.

U našim smo dubinama zbog nekoga odani životu.

Korak po korak uz muziku vam pišem,

Moji su stihovi kao note, ne čuje ih svatko.

Uz naklon dižem i spuštam svoje vjeđe

Vi ste sad uz mene, barem i na kratko.


Subota, 2. prosinca 2023.

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