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Writer's pictureKristina Lang

You and me, my love/Ti i ja, moja voljena

Every day with you my beloved

There is a trace of the sun that warms and warms.

Your years are my sun and day

And I don't remember what and how it was before, before.


You are by my side and love is showering our way.

Happiness is warm, our flowers do not wither along the way.

Year after year, life is magical and beautiful,

I'm content with your ponytail that flutters next to me in the wind.


Every summer, with you is song and our home country,

Within our musical notes magical arias are written and written.

My little girl, you are the most beautiful breath of the Mediterranean,

While the seagulls on the waves of happiness sway and sway.




Wednesday, June 26th, 2024

Ti i ja, moja voljena


Svaki dan uz tebe voljena moja

Ima neki sunčani trag što grije i grije.

Godine su tvoje moje sunce i dan

I ne sjećam više što je i kako bilo prije, prije.


Ti si uz mene i ljubav nam obasipa put.

Sreća je topla, naše cvijeće uz put ne vene.

Godina za godinom, život je čaroban i lijep,

Veseli me tvoj čuperak što na vjetru vijori uz mene.


Svako ljeto uz tebe je pjesma i domovina.

U našim se notama čarobne arije pišu i pišu.

Ti si djevojčice moja najljepši dah mediterana,

Dok se galebovi na valima sreće njišu i njišu.



Srijeda, 26. lipnja 2024.

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