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Writer's pictureKristina Lang

My turquoise Adriatic/Jadrane moj tirkizni

I'm coming back to you from the wilderness, my Adriatic,

Your gentle bays carry me through the days.

Blue sky, turquoise sea, white stone,

Sometimes I call to you from dreams and through sleep.


The warmth of your days warms me through the night,

Memories are fresh even when the year is long.

The light of your mornings, lavender, violet sky,

The warm sun touches me whilst sadness escapes me.


I'm coming back to you, you're never alone my Adriatic,

A wave with the taste of summer is breaking within your people.

I am happy to be here in reality or in dream,

But when I’m far away I feel a momentary melancholy.


And year after year it rolls through life,

But you and I love each other through the sun and the tree from a distance.

Because of you, the sun is in our hearts even when night falls,

Transience catches up with me, but I love your closeness.



Sunday, July 7th, 2024

Jadrane moj tirkizni


Vraćam ti se iz tuđine Jadrane moj,

Tvoje me blage uvale  provlače kroz dan.

Plavičasto nebo , tirkizno more, bijeli kamen,

Dozivam te katkad iz snova i kroz san.


Toplina tvojih dana grije me kroz noć,

Sjećanja su svježa i kad je godina duga.

Svjetlost tvojih jutara, lavanda, ljubičasto nebo,

Šareno sunce me dotiče, dok mi izmiče tuga.


Vraćam ti se, nikad nisi sam Jadrane moj,

U ljudima tvojim lomi se val s okusom ljeta.

Sretna sam da sam tu u zbilji il’u snu,

Samo me ponekad dok sam daleko obuzme sjeta.


I godina za godinom se kotrlja kroz život,

A ti i ja se kroz sunce i drvo volimo na daljinu.

Zbog tebe nam je u grudima sunce i kad pada noć.

Prolaznost me sustiže, ali ja ljubim tvoju blizinu.




Nedelja, 7. srpnja 2024.

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