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Writer's pictureKristina Lang

Words are my game/Riječi su mi igra

English translation

Words are my sky and the infinity I sense,

Within them, the star trails show me the way.

Do not fear my nearness as my poetry touches that breath,

Ask yourself where I am when I become silent.

Words are my sea, in my bosom are great waters,

I am sailing around the world on a sailboat with sails unfurled.

I dive for breath and count undreamed dreams from the depths,

In my silences you will find the sins of true freedom.

Words are my game, in them I scatter the dusts of love,

I helplessly caress the rainbow as her colours melt and break.

In all my verses I dance and seduce, and I do not hesitate.

Once silence begins, only a very small sigh will remain.


Saturday, August 6th, 2022

Photo credits to Mara/Fotografija pripada Mari.

Riječi su mi igra

Riječi su moje nebo i beskraj kojeg slutim,

U njima mi zvjezdane staze pokazuju put.

Neboj se blizina dok stihovima dotičem taj dah,

Zapitaj se gdje sam onda kad’ zašutim.

Riječi su moje more, u njedrima mi velike vode,

Plovim svijetom na jedrilici uz razapeta jedra.

Ronim na dah i brojim neodsanjane snove iz dubina,

U mojim tišinama naći ćeš grijehove iskonske slobode.

Riječi su moja igra, u njima rasipam ljubavni prah,

Neodoljivo milujem dugu dok joj se boje rastaču i lome.

U svakom svom stihu plešem i zavodim i ne posustajem.

Kad nastane tišina ostat će tek neki, sasvim mali uzdah.


Subota, 6. kolovoza 2022.

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