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Writer's pictureKristina Lang

Who deceived the health minister?/Tko je smjestio ministru zdravstva?

Updated: Mar 7, 2022

Recently, a scandal broke out in England in which it was revealed that the married Minister of Health had a love affair with a colleague at work. It seemed that because of an image of the minister in an embrace with his colleague in his office, the man lost his job. Personally, I am not in the least interested in this affair. When two adults voluntarily decide to enter into some kind of relationship, this is in my opinion, their business, and if it is an affair, it is also business of their partners. So, on this occasion, I think that the minister's wife is the one who has a right to be angry, and how she will deal with her husband's cheating, I think it is her business, and I don't really care.

But the man had to resign as health minister. Now, if he was a bad minister, which I personally can’t judge, it’s good that he’s gone. The photo was published after a former close associate of the Prime Minister, Dominic Cummings, revealed that the Prime Minister's opinion of the Minister of Health was quite negative. Cummings also spoke publicly about how the Health Minister’s work during the pandemic had been full of mistakes. This news had already appeared in the British media as a sensation and for the next few weeks the health minister was a frequent topic on the news. Then, after the affair photo was published, the Minister was criticised for entering a relationship during the pandemic in which he advocated maintaining distance between people. An old interview was recently pulled out where the Minister urged Britons to abstain from casual sex and be in a relationship only with permanent partners. So, the minister turned out to be a hypocrite as well.

What is actually interesting to me in the whole story is the question of who set up the camera in the office of the Minister of Health? And the most interesting of all is: how did the picture get into the hands of journalists? Was it simply a way to harm the Minister’s public image or to really get rid of an unwanted minister?

There are no answers to these questions yet.


Saturday, July 3rd, 2021

Tko je smjestio ministru zdravstva?

Nedavno je u Engleskoj izbio skandal u kojem se otkrilo da je oženjeni ministar zdravstva imao ljubavnu vezu s kolegicom na poslu. Činilo se da je zbog slike ministra u zagrljaju s kolegicom u uredu čovjek izgubio posao. Osobno me ova afera ni najmanje ne zanima. Kada se dvije odrasle osobe dobrovoljno odluče stupiti u nekakvu vezu, to je po mom mišljenju njihova stvar, a ako je afera, to je i stvar njihovih partnera. Dakle, ovom prilikom mislim da je ministrova supruga ta koja se ima pravo ljutiti, a kako će se nositi s varanjem svog supruga, mislim da je to opet njezina stvar, I nije me bas puno briga.

Ali čovjek je morao dati ostavku na mjesto ministra zdravstva. Ako je bio loš ministar, što osobno ne mogu procijeniti, dobro je što ga više nema. Fotografija je objavljena nakon što je bivši bliski premijerov suradnik Dominic Cummings otkrio da je premijerovo mišljenje o ministru zdravstva prilično negativno. Cummings je također javno govorio o tome kako je rad ministra zdravstva tijekom pandemije bio pun pogrešaka. Ova se vijest već pojavila u britanskim medijima kao senzacija i sljedećih nekoliko tjedana ministar zdravstva bio je česta tema na vijestima. Zatim, nakon što je objavljena fotografija afere, ministru se zamjeralo što je ušao u vezu tijekom pandemije u kojoj se zalagao za održavanje distance između ljudi. Nedavno je izvučen stari intervju u kojem je ministar pozvao Britance da se suzdrže od neobaveznog seksa i budu u vezi samo sa stalnim partnerima. Dakle, ispostavilo se I da je ministar licemjer.

Ono što mi je zapravo zanimljivo u cijeloj priči je pitanje tko je postavio kameru u uredu ministra zdravstva? I najzanimljivije od svega je: kako je slika došla u ruke novinara? Je li to bio jednostavno način da se naudi ministrovoj javnoj slici ili da se stvarno riješi neželjenog ministra?

Na ova pitanja još nema odgovora.


Subota, 3. Srpnja 2021.

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