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Weekend with Davorka/Vikend sa Davorkom

Writer's picture: Kristina LangKristina Lang

Updated: Sep 27, 2022

Last weekend my friend Davorka from Croatia came to visit me. I met Davorka 38 years ago when we were in the same class for the last two years of high school. Those lovely 80s years are far away, and I hardly remember Davorka from that time since we weren't too close then. This changed six years ago when we re-connected at a graduation anniversary and that friendship has only deepened over time. Davorka is a strong and courageous woman who has spent a decade of her working life as the principal of a large primary school. A year and a half ago, she returned to the role of a Croatian language teacher. Davorka reads my blog and since she has a PhD in educational sciences - pedagogy, her praise has for me not only emotional but also an element of professional weight coming from an expert.

Over a year ago my dear friend lost her husband. Marko suffered from a severe long-term illness which, in combination with Covid, was unfortunately fatal. All of us who have lost loved ones too soon know what a severe trauma she has faced and is still dealing with. Davorka came to Cambridge in Marko's new sneakers, which, unfortunately, he never managed to wear.

Fortunately, this strong woman has the strength to cope with even the most difficult stresses that life brings, and she still has a yearning and love for life and the people around her. The two of us are increasingly discovering similarities such as a shared love for visiting museums, going to concerts, reading, watching similar movies, down to small details such as wearing ripped jeans. I have recommended most of my friends to wear ripped jeans, but so far I have only happily agreed with Davorka on this issue. Even when she was the principal of a school with 100 people under her, she wore ripped jeans, and one gentleman was amazed and addressed her with the comment "I didn't know you were so eccentric." She replied smoothly, "Well, I am."

This wonderful weekend with Davorka in my Cambridge brought me a lot of happiness and pleasure, which you can hopefully sense from the photo gallery that I have attached in this blog.



Thursday, June 2nd, 2022

Vikend sa Davorkom

Protekli vikend u posjet mi je došla moja prijateljica Davorka iz Hrvatske. Davorku sam upoznala pred 38 godina jer smo zadnje dvije godine srednje škole išle u isti razred. Te davne osamdeset i neke godine su daleko i Davorke se iz tog doba slabo sjećam jer tada nismo bile pretjerano bliske. Situacija se promijenila pred šest godina kad smo se povezale na jednoj godišnjici mature i to se prijateljstvo s vremenom samo produbljuje. Davorka je jedna snažna i odvažna žena koja je provela desetljeće svog radnog vijeka kao ravnateljica jedna velike osmogodišnje škole. Pred godinu i nešto vratila se ulozi učiteljice hrvatskog jezika. Davorka čita moj blog i obzirom da ima doktorat iz odgojnih znanosti – pedagogije, i njezine pohvale imaju ne samo emocionlnu već i profesionalnu težinu jednog stručnjaka.

Pred godinu i nešto moja je prijateljica izgubila supruga. Marko je podlegao teškoj dugogodišnjoj bolesti koja je u kombinaciji sa Covidom nažalost bila fatalna. Svi mi koji smo prerano izgubili bliske osobe znamo sa kakovom se teškom traumom suočila i sa kojom se još uvijek nosi. Davorka je u Cambridge je došla u Markovim novim tenisicama koje na veliku žalost nikada nije obuo.

Srećom, ta snažna žena ima snagu da se uhvati u koštac i sa najtežim stresovima koje život nosi, ali još uvijek ima životnog žara i ljubavi prema životu i ljudima oko sebe. Nas dvije sve više otkrivamo sličnosti u interseima kao što su posjete muzejima, odlaske na koncerte, čitanje, gledanje sličnih filmova pa sve do nekih sporednih detalja, kao što je nošenje poderanih traperica. Ja sam većini svojih prijateljica preporučila da nose poderane traperice, ali do sad sam se samo sa Davorkom po tom pitanju veselo uskladila. Još dok je bila direktorica škole sa 100 ljudi ispod sebe nosila je poderane traerice i jedan joj se gospodin začudio i obratio joj se komentarom “Nisam znao da ste tako otkačeni.” Odgovorila je glatko “Pa eto, jesam.”

Ovaj divni vikend sa Davorkom u mom Cambridgeu donio mi je puno sreće i užitka koje možete dijelom naslutiti iz galerije fotografija što prilažem ovom blogu.

S ljubavlju,


Četvrtak, 2. lipnja 2022.

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