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Doors of my life/Vrata mog života

Writer's picture: Kristina LangKristina Lang

Sometimes life has opened doors for me,

But I didn't even notice them and stayed nearby.

Sometimes I didn't know how to open them

And I didn't go through them, and I didn't get to them.

Those lost door are not for lamenting or crying,

Some sorrows have never been washed away and live there with us.

Life is full of paths to open doors,

But only some we can or know how to open.

Occasionally in life I opened a door lavishly,

I held them for a long time and they were not heavy.

However, no one passed or came through them

And neither did my tears cry nor mourn.

That open door of my life remained there,

Like all the other doors I closed at the same time.

Life is a wonderful story in which there are open doors,

But we rarely notice the ones we closed.

My life was and remains full of all kinds of doors.

Were there more open or closed?

Were there more that I kept or that I closed?

Some roads are untrodden, some choices unchosen.

And that's how life goes, from door to door.

And in that flow, we are sometimes alone, on our own.

But as long as there is love before or after any door

Life caresses us, and even when it tramples us, we don't give up.


Tuesday, August 8th, 2023

Vrata mog života

Ponekad mi je život odškrinuo neka vrata,

A ja ih nisam niti primjetila i ostala sam sa strane.

Neki put ‘pak nisam znala kako da ih otvorim

I nisam kroz njih prošla, i nisam do njih došla.

Ta izgubljena vrata nisu za žaljenje ili plakanje,

Neke tuge nisu nikad ispklane i tu žive uz nas.

Život je pun puteva do odškrinutih vrata,

Ali samo smo neke mogli ili znali otvoriti za nas.

Ponekad sam u životu raskošno otvorila svoja vrata,

Držala sam ih dugo i nisu mi bila teška.

Ipak kroz njih nitko nije prošao ili došao

I niti to nisu moje suze isplakale niti oplakale.

Ta otvorena vrata mog života ostala su tu,

Kao i sva ona druga vrata koja sam istovremeno zatvorila.

Život je čudesna priča u kojoj ima otvorenih vrata,

Ali samo rijetko primjetimo ona koja smo mi zatvorili.

Moj je život bio i ostao pun svakakvih vrata.

Dali je bilo više otvorenih ili zatvorenih, od mene od njih?

Dali je bilo više onih koje sam držala ili koje sam zatvorila?

Neki su putevi nepregaženi, neki izbori neizabrani.

I tako teče život, od vrata do vrata

I mi smo u tom toku ponekad sami i svoji.

Al’ sve dok ima ljubavi prije il’ poslije vrata

Život nas miluje, pa i kad nas gazi, mi ne posustajemo.


Utorak, 8. kolovoza 2023.

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