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Writer's pictureKristina Lang

You with hands more innocent/Ti koja imaš nevinije ruke

Updated: Mar 7, 2022

Croatian poet Vesna Parun (1922-2010)

is one of the classics of Croatian literature. She is also the first woman in Croatia that wrote for a living. She has published 20 books of poetry, and her most common subject was love. She also wrote for children and her work has been translated into several languages. She has won numerous literary awards, and to me her poem "You who have more innocent hands" is my favourite and most remembered. Here I enclose the original Croatian text of that poem as well as the English translation. An English translation is available on the internet, but neither I nor my daughter were completely happy with it, so we refined it a bit.

The reason I decided to publish this poem is my desire to first introduce my daughter to this important Croatian poet, then to remind my friends from Croatia of the verses they must have heard somewhere, but also to introduce my other friends to them. I believe that you will find in them the strength and beauty that I wanted to share with you.



Tuesday April 27th, 2021

You with hands more innocent

You with hands more innocent than mine

And you who are wise as calmness.

You who are able to read from his forehead

Better than I his loneliness,

And who can remove slow shadows

Of hesitancy off his face

Like the spring breeze removes

Shadows of clouds sailing over the hill.

If your embrace encourages the heart

And your thighs stop the pain,

If your name is rest

To his thoughts, and your throat

Is the shade of his resting place,

And the night of your voice an orchard

Still untouched by storms.

Then stay by him

And be more devout than all

Who have loved him before you.

Be afraid of the echo approaching

The guiltless love beds.

And be gentle upon his sleep

Under an invisible mountain

On the edge of a roaring sea.

Walk over his beach. May you be approached by

Saddened dolphins.

Wonder around his woods. Friendly lizards

Won't do you harm.

And thirsty snakes which I have tamed

In front of you will be humble.

May the birds which I kept warm sing to you

In the sharp frost nights.

May you be caressed by the boy whom I protected

From the spy on a deserted road.

May you smell the flowers I have watered

With my tears.

I have not encountered the most beautiful age

Of his manliness. His fertility

I have not held against my bosom

Which have been plundered by views

Of the cattle chasers at fairs

And greedy bandits.

I will never take by the hand

His children. And the stories

I had long ago prepared

I might tell through tears

To little poor bears

Left in the black wood.

You with hands more innocent than mine,

be gentle upon his sleep

which had remained harmless.

But do let me see

His face, as upon him will

descend unknown years.

And tell me from time to time something about him,

so I don’t have to ask strangers

whom ponder on me, and neighbours

who pity my patience.

You with hands more innocent than mine,

Stay by his bedside

and be gentle upon his sleep.

Hrvatska pjesnikinja Vesna Parun (1922-2010) se ubraja medju klaskie hrvatske literature. Ona je ujedno prva zena koja je u Hrvatskoj zivjela od svog pisanja. Objavila je 20 knjiga poezije, a najcesca tema joj je bila ljubav. Pisala je I za djecu I prevodila sa nekoliko jezika. Dobitnica je brojnih knjizevnih nagrada, a meni je njezina pjema “Ti koja imas nevinije ruke” najdraza I najzapamcenija. Ovdje prilazem orginalni hrvatski tekst te pjesme kao I engleski prevod. Na internetu je dostupan engleski prijevod, ali niti ja niti moja kcer nismo sa njim bile u potpunosti zadovoljne pa smo ga malo doradile.

Razlog sto sam odlucila objaviti ovu pjesmu je moja zelja da prije svega svoju kcer upoznam sa tom vaznom hrvtskom pjesnikinjom, zatim da podsjetim svoje prijatelje iz Hrvatske na stihove koje su sigurno vec negdje culi, ali I da upoznam svoje ostale prijatelje sa njima. Vjerujem da cete u njima naci snagu I ljepotu koje sam zeljela podijeliti sa vama.

S ljubavlju,


Utorak, 27. travnja 2021.

Ti koja imaš nevinije ruke

Ti koja imaš ruke nevinije od mojih

i koja si mudra kao bezbrižnost.

Ti koja umiješ s njegova čela čitati

bolje od mene njegovu samoću,

i koja otklanjaš spore sjenke

kolebanja s njegova lica

kao što proljetni vjetar otklanja

sjene oblaka koje plove nad brijegom.

Ako tvoj zagrljaj hrabri srce

i tvoja bedra zaustavljaju bol,

ako je tvoje ime počinak

njegovim mislima, i tvoje grlo

hladovina njegovu ležaju,

i noć tvojega glasa voćnjak

još nedodirnut olujama.

Onda ostani pokraj njega

i budi pobožnija od sviju

koje su ga ljubile prije tebe.

Boj se jeka što se približuju

nedužnim posteljama ljubavi.

I blaga budi njegovu snu

pod nevidljivom planinom

na rubu mora koje huči.

Šeći njegovim žalom. Neka te susreću

ožalošćene pliskavice.

Tumaraj njegovom šumom. Prijazni gušteri

neće ti učiniti zla.

I žedne zmije koje ja ukrotih

pred tobom biti će ponizne.

Neka ti pjevaju ptice koje ja ogrijah

u noćima oštrih mrazova.

Neka te miluje dječak kojega zaštitih

od uhoda na pustom drumu.

Neka ti miriše cvijeće koje ja zalivah

svojim suzama.

Ja ne dočekah naljepše doba

njegove muškosti. Njegovu plodnost

ne primih u svoja njedra

koja su pustošili pogledi

goniča stoke na sajmovima

i pohlepnih razbojnika.

Ja neću nikad voditi za ruku

njegovu djecu. I priče

koje za njih davno pripremih

možda ću ispričati plačući

malim ubogim medvjedima

ostavljenim u crnoj šumi.

Ti koja imaš ruke nevinije od mojih,

budi blaga njegovu snu

koji je ostao bezazlen.

Ali mi dopusti da vidim

njegovo lice, dok na njega budu

silazile nepoznate godine.

I reci mi katkad nešto o njemu,

da ne moram pitati strance

koji mi se čude, i susjede

koji žale moju strpljivost.

Ti koja imaš ruke nevinije od mojih,

ostani kraj njegova uzglavlja

i budi blaga njegovu snu.

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