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Writer's pictureKristina Lang

You get mad at me/Naljutiš se na mene

You get mad at me.

I get mad at you.

And nothing has changed within us.

We still love each other; we dream like before.


You separate me from you,

I separate myself from you.

We stopped again in our desires,

But in our dreams, we still have us.


Your words are hard,

But the words don't hurt me.

As long as your lips embrace me with a smile,

Rivers of love for you flow in my veins.


And so, day after day,

And nights are a hidden abyss,

You're in my thoughts even when you forget I'm there,

In my dreams, I nurture a mischievous imagination.


It's just a short time from you,

It's just a little bit from me.

Days, months and years pass without us,

But I find salvation in your arms even without you.



Wednesday, March 6th, 2024

Naljutiš se na mene


Naljutiš se na mene,

Naljutim se na tebe.

A u nama se ništa promijenilo nije;

Volimo se i dalje, maštamo kao i prije.


Odvojiš me od sebe,

Odvojim se od tebe.

U našim smo htijenjima opet stali,

Al’ u našim snovima smo uz nas ostali.


Riječi su ti teške,

Al’ riječi me ne bole.

Sve dok me tvoje usne osmijehom grle,

U mojim žilama rijeke ljubavi prema tebi hrle.


I tako iz dana u dan,

A noći su skriveni bezdan,

U mojim si mislima i kad zaboraviš da sam tu,

U mojim snovima je njegujem vrckavu maštu.


Samo malo je do tebe,

Samo malo je od mene.

Prolaze dani, mjeseci i godine bez nas,

Ali ja u tvojim rukama i bez tebe nalazim spas.



Srijeda, 6. ožujka 2024.


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