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Writer's pictureKristina Lang

You are with me/Ti si uz mene

Updated: Mar 7, 2022

Wherever I go, you are with me.

In every ray of sunshine, I find

A shining reflection from your eyes.

On my way springs are mild,

Colourful tulips bloom in them,

But I see your face in every flower.

In the mountains I find calm and fear

And in my desires for you

Only peace and happiness are exchanged with every breath.

I dream of your kisses, and I wonder

How it would be while you are caressing my face.

Years have passed now and inside

I am the same me, my longings are not lost.

I sense you in my mornings even though

The nights are sometimes empty and long.

Wherever I go you are with me,

You hold my hand as we walk our path.

All my roads lead to you and that's why

Let my smile caress you as you rise in the morning.



Monday, February 28th, 2022

Ti si uz mene

Kamo god pošla ti si uz mene.

U svakoj zraci sunca nalazim

Odsjaj što sjaji iz ugla tvojih očiju.

Na mom putu proljeća su blaga,

U njima cvjetaju tulipani šarenih boja,

A ja u svakom cvijetku vidim tvoje lice.

U planinama nalazim i smiraj i strah

Al’ u mojim željama za tobom

Samo se mir i sreća izmjenju na dah.

Sanjam tvoje poljupce i pitam se

Kako bi to bilo dok bi milovao moje lice.

Prolaze sad već godine i iznutra

Ja sam ista ja, moje se čežnje ne gube.

Slutim te u svojim jutrima iako su

Noći ponekad sjetne i duge.

Kamo god pošla ti si uz mene,

Držis me za ruku dok koračamo našim putem.

Sve moje ceste vode do tebe i zato

Nek te moj osmjeh miluje dok ustaješ u zoru.

S ljubavlju,


Ponedeljak, 28. veljače 2022.

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