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Writer's pictureKristina Lang

Why I love autumn/Zašto volim jesen

Updated: Mar 7, 2022

I don’t know if I love autumn and this part of the year so much because I was born in early fall or I just enjoy everything that fall brings. I don’t get a chance to pick a pear from a tree or grapes from a vineyard like I could as a child, but I try to buy seasonal fruit in stores. So not a day goes by that I don’t eat some grapes that are extremely tasty and sweet at this time of year, and I’m also looking forward to chestnuts that haven’t arrived in stores yet.

Unfortunately, the Croatian dessert "chestnut puree" made from crushed, sweetened and cooked chestnuts served with fresh whipped cream, is not available to me, because it is not common in England. I wish I could take one of Zagreb's patisseries to Cambridge with me and share that autumn pleasure with my friends here.

With the colours of autumn, which will shine in all their splendour in October, I loved autumn as a child because it meant the beginning of the school year. Since I work at the University, the beginning of the school year is still important to me today, because it is as if a big machine is starting at this time of year and my work is becoming more intense and interesting. My daughter will soon be starting in person lectures at her University and that makes me very happy for both her and her generation. Lectures online are extremely demotivating for me personally and I feel sorry for all these young people who, due to the pandemic, had to replace the true study experience with some kind of pseudo-experience that took place from their rooms.

I love when it’s cold outside and when I get into the warm inside. Since I am a smoker, I still spend a lot of time outside because I never smoke indoors, not even in my house. My friends Chris and Katarina, with whom I often drink coffee in nearby cafes, sacrifice themselves for me sitting outside in the cold. Admittedly Chris could come in a jacket or sweater, not a T-shirt because I’m cold while watching him. It was so cold this morning that I decided to go into the cafe because of him. It was nice to sit inside a hot coffee shop, but in the Covid era my bad habits might have some advantages as well.


Friday, October 1st, 2021

Zašto volim jesen

Ne znam dali toliko volim jesen i ovaj dio godine zato što sam rođena početkom jeseni ili naprosto uživam u svemu što jesen donosi. Nemam priliku ubrati krušku sa drveta ili grozđe iz vinograda kao što sam mogla u djetinjstvu, no, nastojim u trgovinama kupovati sezonsko voće. Tako ne prđje dan da ne pojedem nešto grozđa koje je u ovo doba godine izuzetno ukusno i slatko, a veselim se i kestenima koji još nisu stigli u trgovine.

Poslastica iz hrvatskih slastičarni koja se naziva “kesten pire” mi nažalost nije dostupna, jer u Engleskoj nije uobičajenia, a radi se o zgnječenim, zaslađenim kuhanim kestenima koji se poslužuju uz svježi šlag. Voljela bih da mogu ponijeti sa sobom jednu od Zagrebačkih slastičarni u Cambridge i podijeliti to jesensko zadovoljstvo sa svojim prijateljima ovdje.

Uz boje jeseni, koje ce u listopadu zasjati u svoj svojoj raskoši, jesen sam voljela još kao dijete jer je značila početak školske godine. Obzirom da radim na Sveučilistu početak školske godine mi je i danas bitan jer kao da se u ovo doba godine pokreće velika mašinerija i moj posao postaje intenzivniji i zanimljiviji. Moja kćer uskoro kreće sa predavanjima uživo na svom Sveučilistu i to me jako veseli i za nju i za njezinu generaciju. Predavanja online su za mene osobno izuzetno demotivirajuća i žao mi je svih tih mladih ljudi koji su zbog pandemije, istinsko iskustvo studiranja morali zamijeniti nekakovim pseudoiskustom koje se odvijalo iz njihovih studenskih sobica.

Volim kad je vani hladnjikavo i kad udjem u toplu unutrašnjost. Obzirom da sam pušač dosta vremena provodim još uvijek vani jer nikada ne pušim u zatvorenim prostorijama, pa niti u svojoj kući. Moji prijatelji Chris I Katarina, sa kojim često pijem kavu u obližnjim kafićma žrtvuju se za mene sjedeći vani na hladnoći. Doduše Chris bi mogao doći u jakni ili puloveru, a ne majci kratkih rukava jer mi je zima dok ga gledam. Jutros je bilo toliko hladno da sam odlučila ući zbog njega u kafić. Lijepo je bilo u sjediti unutra u toplom kafiću, ali u doba Covida moje loše navike možda imaju i neke prednosti.


Petak, 1. listopada 2021.

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