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Writer's pictureKristina Lang

Watching “Doc Martin”/Preporučam seriju “Dok Martin”

Updated: Mar 7, 2022

I have found that Tuesday is somehow the most meaningless day of the week. After working throughout the day, I have started going to the gym quite regularly, and that brightens and refreshes the work week and even days like Tuesdays. Like most people I like Friday evenings the most. After work I go to Zumba classes which cheers me up and relaxes me at the same time. Most days when I come home, I start listening to the news right after dinner, but I've been ignoring the news for a few Friday nights now. I recently discovered that delivering food from my favourite restaurant in Cambridge is very easy and quite affordable, so I am giving myself that pleasure.

While I'm waiting for my favourite food, such as tempura prawns, vegetable rolls and mango and cucumber salad to arrive, I start watching a wonderful British series "Doc Martin". Doc Martin is an abrupt, but extraordinary, good and caring general doctor who lives in a small village by the sea. The lives of the locals and their health and other problems run through the series, and there are a lot of nice and often funny events and plots within it. In addition to the fact that Doc Martin is an ex-surgeon who has developed a phobia of blood and sometimes faints when he sees blood, his love story with a beautiful and clever teacher, Louisa, is also going on. It is presented through Doc Martin those human weaknesses that sometimes hinder us in our work, but we can, if not overcome them, at least suppress them and continue on, despite them. Literally all the characters in the series are dear and lovely to me and I have enjoyed it for many years. But especially now that I have discovered that the series is shown every Friday night on TV for two episodes in a row.

The series was filmed in the town of "Port Isaac" in the province of Cornwall on the Atlantic coast. A few years ago I was in Port Isaac because I was very interested in whether that place in reality looks as picturesque as it is on the screen. And I can tell you that it really is that wonderful. I had a lot of exceptional photos from there, but that was a few years ago so I think the photos are stored on my old memory card from my last cell phone. That is why I will present you Port Isaac with photos from the Internet. The series “Doc Martin” was filmed nearly twenty years ago and I found that 6 seasons can be seen on Amazon Prime. I recommend this to my friends in Croatia that perhaps have not heard about this series. It is very entertaining and refreshing, especially now in perspective of one ugly pandemic.



Thursday, February 3nd, 2022

Preporučam seriju “Dok Martin”

Utorak je nekako najbezličniji dan u tjednu. Nakon radnog dana počela sam odlazi u teretanu prilično redovito i to nekako uljepša i osvježi radni tjedan pa i dane kao sto su utorci. Poput većine ljudi najviše volim petak navečer. Nakon posla odem na sat Zumbe što me razveseli i opusti u isto vrijeme. Obično kad dođem kući često nakon večere odmah krenem sa slušanjem vijesti, ali već nekoliko petaka navečer odignoriram vijesti. Nedavno sam otkrila da je dostava hrane iz mog omiljenog restorana u Cambridgeu izuzetno laka i prilično pristupačna pa se počastim tim užitkom.

Dok čekam svoje omiljene specijalite kao što su pohani škampi, rolice od povrća i salata od manga i krastavaca započnem sa gledanjem jedne divne britanske serije “Dok Martin”. Radi se o vrlo direktnom i na prvi dojam grubom doktoru opće prakse, iako uistinu brižnom, koji radi u jednom malom selu uz more. Kroz seriju se provlače životi mještana i njihove zdrastvene i druge tegobe. U njoj ima puno simpatičnih i često smiješnih zbivanja i peripetija. Uz to što je Dok Martin liječnik i bivši kirurg koji je ravio fobiju od pogleda na krv pa se ponekad onesvijesti kad vidi krv, provlači se i njegova ljubavna priča sa jednom divnom učiteljicom Luisom. Kao što je prikazano u seriji naše nas slabosti ponekad koče u poslu, ali možemo ih, ako ne prevazići, a ono barem potisnuti i nastaviti dalje, usprkos njima.

Doslovno svi likovi u seriji su mi dragi i simpatični i zaista uživam otkako sam otkrila da se serija prikazuje na Tvu svaki petak navečer i to dvije episode za redom. Serija je snimana u mjestascu “Port Isaac” u pokrajini Cornwall na obali Atlanskog oceana.

Pred nekoliko godina bila sam u Port Isaacu jer me jako zanimalo dali to selo i u stvarnosti izgleda toliko pitoreskno. I mogu vam reći da je zbilja nestvarno lijepo. Imala sam mnogo divnih fotografija od tamo, ali bilo je to pred nešto godina pa mislim da su fotografije pohranjene na mojoj staroj memorijskoj kartici od prošlog mobitela. Zato ću vam predstaviti Port Isaac sa fotografijama sa Interneta. Otkrila sam da se serija “Dok Martin” moze naći na Amazon Primeu i to svih šest sezona jer je snimanje počelo pred 18 godina pa tako i prijatelji u Hrvatskoj mogu pogledati, ako će ih zanimati. Ljudi trebaju više ovakovih zabavnih i neopterećijućih serija za opuštanje uvijek, a posebno sada iz perspektive ove ružne pandemije.

S ljubavlju,


Četvrtak, 3. veljače 2022.

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