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Writer's pictureKristina Lang

The timeless beauty of the Avatar movies/Bezvremenska ljepota filmova Avatar

At the time when the first film Avatar came out, in 2009, I did not go to the cinema and watched the film at home once it was shown on television. So, even 13 years later, when the second movie "Avatar: The Way of Water" came out, I didn't see the movie in the cinema and thus I missed the true experience of a wonderful movie on the big screen. My daughter persuaded me that before we watch the second movie, we should watch the first movie again because I didn't remember much from the first time I watched it 13 years ago. Namely, science fiction films are not my favourite genre, and rarely do they truly excite me. So, I was taken aback by the fact that Avatar is in many respects a unique film and at the same time a timelessly beautiful one.

The story of the Avatar movies, directed by James Cameron, takes place on the planet Pandora. On Pandora live the Na'vi, a population similar to humans in many ways. Scientists, military and business people from Earth have arrived on Pandora. They created Avatar beings that have the body of the local Na'vi population and the consciousness of Earth people. The Avatars have bonded with the Na'vi inhabitants and one of them, Jake Sally, falls in love with a Na'vi woman. This is where the wonderful love story between Jake and Neytiri begins.

Neyitiri and Jake

The film has several negative characters and the main one is Colonel Miles Quaritich. In the first film, Colonel Miles' soldiers destroy the tree where the Na'vi lived due to the exploitation of raw materials. Jake Sally, along with some human scientists, side with the Na'vi and in the battle against the soldiers the Na'vi win. Jake Sally permanently remains an Avatar and chooses life on Pandora as his final residence. A scientist, who also had an Avatar, played by the legendary Sigourney Weaver, is killed by Colonel Quaritich before the final battle with the humans.

The second movie "Avatar: The Way of Water" changes the location on Pandora and moves from the forest where the Forest Na'vi live to the ocean coast where the Sea Na'vi live. It's fascinating that the actors who play the Na'vi and the Avatars actually acted out all those underwater shots. At first glance, the film seemed almost like a cartoon to me, but it is motion capture technology in which the actors are digitally transformed into Na'vi and Avatar characters. For the underwater scenes, the actors had to be trained by divers so that they could hold their breath underwater for several minutes. The most successful was the actress Kate Winslet, who could hold her breath under water for over 7 minutes. In the film, Kate plays Ronal, the pregnant wife of the Ocean Na'vi chief.

Kate Winslet as Rolan


In the second film, the main character Avatar Jake Sally and his wife Neytiri have three children of their own Neteyam, Lo'ak and Tuk and an adopted daughter Kiri. The children also play with Quaritiches human son "Spider".

Although the story of the first film is a little stronger and more convincing, the second film has its undeniable value, and the imagination connected with scientific and technological achievements leads to a story that leaves viewers breathless. After watching both films, I can say with certainty that they are the most visually beautiful films I have ever seen. In case you initially missed them in the cinemas, like me, I advise the readers of this blog to take the time to watch the spectacular Avatar movies. I am looking forward to the third part, which should arrive in cinemas in two years time.



Friday, April 5th, 2024

Bezvremenska ljepota filmova Avatar


U vrijeme kad je izašao prvi film Avatar, 2009. nisam išla u kino i film sam pogledala kod kuće jednom kad je prikazan na televiziji. Tako da niti 13 godina kasnije kad je izašao drugi film “Avatar: Put vode” nisam film pogledala u kinima i time sam propustila istinski doživljaj predivnog filma na velikom platnu. Moja me kćer nagovorila da prije nego pogledamo drugi film na Netfixu pogledamo još jednom prvi film jer sam se ja malo čega sjećala od prvog gledanja prije 13 godina. Naime filmovi znanstvene fantastike nisu moj omiljeni žanr i rijetko me koji uistinu oduševi. Tako da sam ostala zatečena činjenicom da je Avatar po mnogo čemu izvanserijski film i uz to bezvremenski lijep.

Priča filmova Avatar, režisera James Camerona, odvija se na planeti Pandori. Na Pandori žive Na’vi, stanovništvo po mnogo čemu slično ljudima. Na Pandoru su stigli znanstvenici, vojska I poslovni ljudi sa Zemlje. Oni su kreirali bića Avatar koji imaju tijelo od lokalnog stanovništva Na’vi i svijest ljudi sa zemlje. Avatari su se povezali sa Na’vi stanovnicima i jedan od njih Jake Sally zaljubljuje se u ženu iz Na’vi. Tu počinje divna ljubavna priča između Jakea I Neytiri. Film ima nekoliko negativnih karaktera i tu je glavni pukovnik Miles Quaritich. U prvom filmu vojnici pukovnika Quariticha unište drvo na kojem su Na’vi živjeli zbog eksploatacije energetskih sirovina. Avatar Jake Sally, zajedno sa nekim ljudskim znanstevnicima, staje na stranu od Na’vi i u bitci protiv vojnika izvojeva pobjedu Na’vi. Jake Sally trajno ostaje Avatar i bira život na Pandori kao svoje konačno boravište. Znanstvenicu, koja je također imala Avatar, a glumi ju legendarna Sigourney Weaver, biva ubijena od pukovnika Quariticha  neposredno prije velike bitke.

Drugi film “Avatar: Put vode” mijenja lokaciju na Pandori i seli se iz šume u kojoj žive “Na’vi šume” uz more na kojem žive “Na’vi vode”. Fascinantno je da su glumci koji glume Na’vi i Avatare sve te snimke pod vodom zaista i odglumili. Meni se film na prvi pogled doimao gotovo kao crtani film, ali radi se o novoj tehnologiji ‘motion capture’ ili doslovno ‘hvatanje pokreta’ u kojoj se glumci digitalno transformiraju u likove Na’vi i Avatare. Glumci su za scene pod vodom morali biti trenirani od ronioca tako da mogu nekoliko minuta izdržati pod vodom na dah. Najuspješnija je bila glumica Kate Winslet koja je pod vodom na dah mogla izdržati više od 7 minuta. U filmu Kate glumi trudnu ženu poglavice “Na’vi vode” Rolan. U drugom filmu glavni lik Avatar Jake Sally i njegova supruga Neytiri imaju troje svoje djece Neteyam, Lo’ak i Tuk i jednu posvojenu kći Kiri. Njihova djeca su bliska i duboko povezana sa sinom pukovnika Quariticha ljudskim dječakom kojeg zovu “Spider”.

Iako mi je priča prvog filma mrvicu uvjerljivija i jača i drugi film ima svoju neporecivu vrijednost, a mašta povezana sa znananstveno-tehnološkim dostignućima dovodi do priče koja gledatelje ostavlja bez daha. Nakon oba odgledana filma mogu sa sigurnošću utvrdaiti da su to vizualno najljepši filmovi koje sam ikada vidjela. U slučaju da su vam inicijalno promaknuli u kinima, kao meni, savjetujem čitaocima ovog bloga da odvoje vrijeme za gledanje spektakularnih filmova Avatar. Ja se radujem trećem dijelu koji bi u kina trebao stići za dvije godine.



Petak, 5. travnja 2024.   

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