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Writer's pictureKristina Lang

The beauty of the film "Lady Chatterley's Lover/Ljepota filma "Ljubavnik Lady Chaterlley"

As a devoted filmophile, I often and gladly watch films that leave different impressions on me. It is not uncommon for me to forget what I saw after watching a movie. Nevertheless, some films get under my skin, stay with me for a long time and leave a mark on my psyche or, to put it poetically, on my soul.

This happened recently with the film Lady Chatterley's Lover, which I watched three times in the last few weeks, first alone, then with a friend, and finally with my now grown daughter. Based on the book of the same name, by the British novelist D.H. Lawrence, the film is an extremely beautiful depiction of the love affair between an English aristocrat, Constance Reid (Lady Chatterley), and a member of the working class, Oliver Mellors. Constance is married to Lord Clifford, who came out of World War I paralyzed from the waist down. Lord Clifford wanted an heir to his large estate and suggested to his wife that she become pregnant by another man. Constance was shocked by the idea and began to feel unwell because of the expectations her husband had placed on her. Tormented by care for her paralyzed husband, the demands placed on her, and his lack of general understanding for her, she finds a way out in walks around the property. On one occasion, she meets Oliver, who works on the estate as a gamekeeper, and they quickly begin a love affair. A love relationship that is a combination of physical passion and mutual understanding is extremely striking and beautiful. Constance becomes pregnant with Oliver and wants to stay with him. Lord Clifford is shocked that Constance had an affair with a member of the working class and does not understand how she could have chosen such a man for herself. The affair becomes public and explodes among all the classes, and therefore Oliver is immediately fired. Constance asks Mrs. Bolton, who has taken over Lord Clifford's care and is sympathetic towards her, to ask the people for any information on Oliver’s whereabouts. Mrs. Bolton asks Constance why she should tell people she is asking and Constance delivers the line that seals the film “Tell them that I love him– Tell them that." In the story, she renounces her husband, his wealth, and her status because she wants to be with the man she loves.

It might surprise some that love scenes are explicitly shown in the film, but they are wonderfully integrated into the story, which also has its own weight because of them. I don't find anything ugly in those scenes, in fact, I can't remember that I've ever seen more beautifully made scenes on film that I wouldn't call sexual, but love. The film, in my opinion, was brought to a great extent by the outstanding, young British actor Emma Corrin. Oliver is also played by the British actor Jack O'Connell, who played his role solidly.

The book, Lady Chatterley's Lover, on which the film was based, was initially published in Italy in 1928 and immediately afterward in France in 1929, while in England the original book was published only in 1960. The book was put on trial in England for its obscene scenes. The publishing house won the court process, and the book was then sold in 3 million copies.

The book breaks two taboos, firstly love between members of two classes of British society and secondly scenes of physical love and accompanying language are explicitly shown. After more than twenty years of living in England, I have learned something about British culture, and I can conclude without hesitation that it does not surprise me that the book was published in England more than thirty years after it was published in Italy and France.


Sunday, Murch 12th, 2023

Ljepota filma Ljubavnik Lady Chaterlley

Kao predani fimofil često i rado gledam filmove koji na mene ostavljaju različite dojmove. Nije rijetko da nakon odgledanog filma zaboravim što sam gledala. Ipak, neki mi se filmovi uvuku pod kožu, ostanu u meni dugo i ostave trag na moju psihu ili pjesnički rečeno na moju dušu.

To se nedavno dogodilo sa filmom Ljubavnik Lady Chatterley koji sam u posljednjih nekoliko tjedana odgledala čak tri puta, prvi put sama, onda sa prijateljicom i na kraju sa mojom već odraslom kćeri. Film koji je baziran istoimenoj knjizi britanskog noveliste D. H. Lawrence, je izuzetno lijep prikaz ljubavnog odnosa jedne engleske aristokratkinje Constance Reid (Lady Chatterley) sa pripadnikom radničke klase Oliverom Mellorsom. Constance je udana za Grofa Clifforda koji je iz prvog svjetskog rata izašao paraliziran od struka nadolje. Grof Clifford je želio nasljednika za svoje veliko imanje i predožio je svojoj ženi da začne dijete sa nekim muškarcem. Constance je bila šokirana tom idejom i počela se osjećati loše zbog očekivanja koju je pred nju stavio Grof Clifford. Izmučena brigom za paraliziranog supruga i zahtjevima koji su stavljani pred nju kao i nedostatku suprugovog razumijevanja, nalazi izlaz u šetnjama po imanju. Tom prilikom upoznaje Olivera koji radi na imanju kao čuvar lovišta i oni brzo započnu ljubavnu aferu. Ljubavni odnos koji je kombinacija fizičke strasti i međusobnog razumijevanja je izuzetno upečatljiv i lijep. Constance ostaje u drugom stanju, ali želi ostati sa Oliverom. Grof Clifford je šokiran što je Constance imala aferu sa pripadnikom radničke klase i ne razumije kako je mogla izabrati tog muškarca. Afera je postala javna i odjeknula je glasno i to u svim klasama te stoga Oliver momentalno dobija otkaz. Constance pita gospođu Bolton koja je preuzela njegu Lorda Clifforda i ima razumijevanja za nju, da joj sazna gdje je Oliver. Gospođa Bolton pita Constance što da kaže ljudima, zašto to pita i Constance joj odgovara rečenicom koja je zapečatila film “Recite im da ga volim, to im recite.” Ona se u priči odriče supruga grofa, odriče se njegovog bogatstva, statusa u društvu i svih privilegija jer želi biti uz voljenog muškarca.

Nekoga bi doduše moglo iznenaditi da su u filmu ljubavne scene eksplicitno prikazane, ali one su divno ukomponirane u priču koja i zbog njih ima svoju težinu. Ne nalazim ništa ružno u tim scenama, dapače ne mogu se sjetiti da sam na filmu ikada vidjela ljepše napravljene scene koje ne bih nazvala seksualnim, vec ljubavnim. Film je po mom mišljenju u velikoj mjeri iznijela izvaredna, mlada britanska glumica Emma Corrin. Olivera glumi također britanski glumac Jack O’Connell koji je svoju ulogu solidno odigaro.

Knjiga Ljubavnik Lady Chatterley, po kojoj je film napravljen, je inicijalno bila objavljena u Italiji 1928. i odmah zatim u Francuskoj 1929. godine dok je u Engleskoj knjiga u orginalnom izdanju objavljena tek 1960. godine. Knjiga se u Engleskoj našla na suđenju zbog obscesnih scena. Izdavačka kuća je dobila taj sudski proces i knjiga je potom bila prodana u 3 miliona kopija.

Knjiga ruši dva tabua, prvo ljubav između pripadnika dviju klasa britankog društva i drugo scene fzičke ljubavi i prateći jezik su elsplicitno prikazani. Nakon više od dvadeset godina života u Engleskoj ponešto sam naučila o Britanskoj kulturi i mogu bez ustručavanja zaključiti da me ne iznenađuje da je knjiga u Engleskoj objavljena više od tridest godina nakon što je objavljena u Italiji I Francuskoj.


Nedelja, 12. ožujka 2023.

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