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Writer's pictureKristina Lang

Waking up/Buđenje

English translation

You left my mornings quietly,

And from a distance I no longer hear your voice.

Dreaming minutes are now hours,

And my days go by without remembering us.

A bird on my branch is calling me out,

While I'm looking for the lost tone in myself.

The morning goes by without mention and longing,

And I no longer remember what the deceptive twilight was like.

Strangers, unknown people around me.

I don't feel much, my hopes are mainly gone,

With sadness in my heart, I invoke an unfulfilled dream,

But the morning doesn't come, and it is stolen from me.

Waking up is nice when the mornings are warm,

But not every morning is a sun-drenched flower.

I did not find you, you are not in my ways,

But in my heart, I still carry one fairly beautiful world.


Friday, August 12th, 2022


Iz mojih si jutara otišao tiho

I iz daljine više ne čujem tvoj glas.

Sanjive minute sada su već sati,

A moji dani teku bez uspomena na nas.

Ptica na mojoj grani doziva me van,

Dok ja u sebi tražim izgubljeni ton.

I teče jutro bez spomena i čežnje

I ne sjećam se više kakav je bio varljivi suton.

Oko mene stranci, nepoznati ljudi.

Ja ne osjećam puno, nestale su mnoge nade.

Sa tugom u srcu prizivam taj neostvareni san,

Al’ jutro se neda i uz sjetu iz mene tebe ukrade.

Buđenja su lijepa kad su jutra topla,

Ali nije svako jutro osunčani cvijet.

Nisam te pronašla, u mojim te putevima nema,

Ali u srcu ja i dalje nosim jedan sasvim lijepi svijet.


Petak, 12. kolovoza 2022.

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