There is no right and no wrong
In love, the paths are clear and pure.
Something within tells us where to go
But will we hear it in a world without silence?
There is no "I'm sorry" and no "Forgive me"
In craving, steps do not count.
And when we are alone in that world of secrets
Maybe here or there we'll stumble upon us.
There is "I love you” even when we move slowly
We speed up our breath or stop for a moment.
We listen to the music in our hearts
Even if it seems to be betraying us.
There is "I miss you" when we love
And when it hurts, there is love even in not having.
There is "I'll be there", and there is "I'll wait"
Because maybe one day, we could touch the silence.
Wednesday, April 6th, 2022

Photo credits to my Croatian friend Katarina in Cambridge
Ima “nedostaješ mi”
Nema pravo i nema krivo
U ljubavi su putevi jasni i čisti.
Nešto u nama govori nam kamo
Al’ hoćemo li čuti u svijetu bez tišina?
Nema “žao mi je” i nema “oprosti”
U žudnji se koraci ne broje.
I kad smo sami u tom svijetu tajni
Možda se nekad i spotknemo o nas.
Ima “volim te” i kad samo može polako
Ubrzamo svoj dah il’ zastanemo u trenu.
Slušamo muziku u našim srcima
Pa i onda kad se čini da nas izdaje.
Ima “Nedostaješ mi” kad se voli
I kad boli, ima ljubavi i u nemanju.
Ima “Bit ću tu”, i ima “Čekat ću”
Jer možda jednom, ipak, dotaknemo tišinu.
S ljubavlju,
Srijeda, 6. travnja 2022.
Fotografiju pripada moj hrvatskoj prijateljici Katarini iz Cambridgea