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Writer's pictureKristina Lang

The Pelješac bridge that connected Croatia/Pelješki most koji je povezao Hrvatsku

Croatia has a somewhat unusual shape, and the shape of the country is dominated by the long coast along the eastern side of the Adriatic Sea. Some people may not know that the Croatian coast is cut in two because Bosnia and Herzegovina has a narrow strip of land with access to the Adriatic Sea around the town of Neum. This fact caused one Croatian enclave, where the Croatian pearl Dubrovnik is located, to be physically cut off from the rest of the country. Until recently, you had to travel to that part of Croatia with your passport in your pocket, because going to Dubrovnik involved crossing the state border at two places, at the entrance and at the exit to Bosnia and Herzegovina. Not so long ago in 1997 politician Ivan Šprlje announced the idea of ​​building a bridge that would connect the two parts of the Croatian coast towards the Pelješac peninsula. In this way, Croatia would be connected by a bridge and avoid the Bosnian-Herzegovinian border. Construction of the bridge began in 2005, but significant progress was made only after Croatia joined the European Union, which co-financed the construction. The bridge was built by the Chinese company China Road, which won a public tender, and the works were completed in January 2022. The bridge was put into traffic on July 26, 2022, due to the improvement of the surrounding roads.

The Peljesac bridge - Peljeski most

This summer, we decided to spend the summer in Pelješac in order to see and pass this significant bridge. The bridge is very impressive, even though the crossing itself is relatively short. While crossing the bridge, nothing from the surroundings can be seen, and stopping on the bridge is strictly prohibited. Namely, some people came up with the idea of ​​taking pictures on it. We took pictures at the designated rest area.

We continued our vacation in the town of Orebić, which is located at the very top of the peninsula Pelješac. A vacation in Orebić is characterized by a very clean sea, wonderful landscapes, a pleasant walk along the sea, as well as excellent restaurants, of which I would highlight the restaurant by the sea "Andiamo". Orebić is a place for a quiet, family vacation. After 4 days in Orebić, we wanted some vivacity characteristic of Croatian coastal towns, so we headed for Trogir, a 3-hour drive away. Trogir has everything for evening outings, the town also comes alive at night with numerous restaurants, cafes and shops open until late. The old city walls are beautiful and contribute to the charm of this beautiful Dalmatian town located right next to Split Airport. Some prices in Trogir shocked me, for example the price of breakfast at the Brown Beach House hotel is 45 euros. The waiters themselves agree that the prices are extortionate. I recommend that you first look at the menu and the prices before sitting down in the Croatian restaurants on the coast. Many restaurants are quite accessible, but some might surprise you. Private accommodation in mid-September was very affordable and I would gladly recommend it to everyone.


Friday, September 15th, 2023



Pelješki most koji je povezao Hrvatsku

Hrvatska ima pomalo neobičan oblik, a oblikom zemlje dominira duga obala uz istočnu stranu Jadranskog mora. Nekim ljudima možda nije poznato da je Hrvatska obala presječena na dva dijela jer Bosna I Hercegovina ima uski pojas i izlaz na Jadransko more oko gradića Neuma. Ta činjenica uzrokovala je da je jedna Hrvatska enklava u kojoj se nalazi hrvatski biser Dubrovnik fizički odsječena od ostatka zemlje. Do nedavno u taj dio Hrvatske moralo se putovati sa putovnicom u džepu jer je odlazak u naprijer Dubrovnik uključivao prijelaz državne granice na dva mjesta, kod ulaza i kod izlaza u Bosnu I Hercegovinu. Još ne tako davne 1997. godine političar Ivan Šprlje objavio ideju o izgradnji mosta koji bi povezao dva dijela hrvatske obale prema poluotoku Pelješcu. Na taj bi se način Hrvatska mostom povezala i izbjegla bosansko-hercegovačku granicu. Gradnja mosta počela je još 2005, ali do značajnog napretka došlo je tek nakon što je Hrvatska ušla u Evropsku uniju koja je sufinancirala gradnju. Most je gradila kineska tvrtka China Road koja je osvojila javni natječaj i radovi su završeni u siječnju 2022. godine, a most je zbog uređenja okolnih cesta pušten u promet 26. srpnja 2022.

Mi smo ovo ljeto odlučili ljetovati na Pelješcu kako bi se provezli tim za Hrvatsku značajnim mostom. Most je zaista impresivan iako sam prelaz mosta relativno kratko traje. Tokom prelaženja mosta ne vidi se ništa od okoline i na mostu je strogo zabranjeno zaustavljanje. Naime neki su ljudi došli na ideju da se na njemu poslikaju. Mi smo se slikali na odmorištu koje je za to predviđeno.

Ljetovanje smo nastavili u mjestašcu Orebiću koje se nalazi na samom vrhu poluotoka. Odmor u Orebiću karakterizira vrlo čisto more, divni pejizaži, ugodna šetnja uz more kao i odlični restorani, od kojih bi istaknula restoran uz more “Andiamo”. Orebić je mjesto za mirni, obiteljski odmor. Mi smo nakon 4 dana Orebića poželjeli malo živosti tako karakteristične na hrvatske, priobalne gradiće pa smo se uputili prema 3 sata vožnje udaljenom Trogiru. Trogir ima sve za večernje izlaske, gradić živi i po noći uz brojne restorane, kafiće i trgovine otvorene do kasno u noć. Stare gradske zidine su prelijepe i doprinose šarmu ovog prekrasnog dalmatinskog gradića smještenog odmah uz Splitski aerodrom. Neke cijene u Trogiru su me šokirale kao na primjer cijena doručka u Brown Beach House hotelu iznosi 45 eura. I sami konobari se slažu da su cijene u tom hotelu bolesno preskupe. Preporučam da prije nego sjednete u hrvatske restorane na obali da najprije pogledate meni i cijene. Mnogi su restorani sasvim dostupni, ali neki bi vas mogli iznenaditi. Privatni smještaj je sredinom rujna bio vrlo povoljan i to bi rado svima preporučila.


Petak, 15. rujna 2023.

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