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Warmth in our hearts/Toplina nam u srcu

Every stay in my Croatia fulfils me, recharges my batteries and reminds me how happy I am to belong to that wonderful country and its people. This year, I spent the end of August and the beginning of September in Croatia with my Sara. It's wonderful that Sara's uncle always meets us at the airport at any time, because Ryanair flights from London often fly at less popular times, so we arrive in Croatia late at night.

The very next morning, Sara and I headed for the sea, more precisely the island of Krk, which is located in the north of the Croatian coast and is only a two-hour drive from Zagreb. There we were welcomed by a friend from my childhood, Sanja, who showed us Malinska, took us to lunch and welcomed us into her apartment in Vantačići. We spent four wonderful days there, swimming in the warm sea, whose temperature reached 25 degrees, and maybe a few degrees more. In Vantačići, there are wonderful, well-groomed, rocky beaches, without too many people, with pleasant cafes, so we really enjoyed our stay there.

We spent the last evening on the island of Krk in the town of Krk, and another childhood friend Sunčana and her son Marko took us to dinner and on a tour of Krk. After dinner in an excellent restaurant well known to local people, we had a drink in a cafe in the port. It was so beautiful there, relaxing on a large couch out in the open that I felt like I was sitting in someone's living room a few meters from the sea.

We returned to Zagreb with full hearts and happiness in our souls. In Zagreb, we always have many friends waiting for us. Unfortunately, the time is always far too short to see them all, so we have to make a schedule keeping in mind the previous sightings.

Apart from our friends in Zagreb, Sara and I have our own little rituals that we also look forward to. We make sure we don't miss our dear hairdresser and friend Ivanka, as well as a massage at Tatjana's.

We often go to the Dubrovnik Cafe in the very heart of Zagreb, because Sara's late grandmother and I used to go there, a long time ago.

So many beautiful things bind us to Zagreb so the warmth in our hearts is what remains.



Thursday, September 12th, 2024

Toplina nam u srcu


Svaki boravak u mojoj Hrvatskoj ispunjava me, puni moje baterije i podsjeća me koliko sam sretna što pripadam toj divnoj zemlji i njezinim ljudima. Ovogodišnji kraj kolovoza i početak rujna provela sam u Hrvatskoj sa svojom Sarom. Divno je što nas uvijek na aerodromu dočeka Sarin ujo i to u bilo koje vrijeme jer letovi Ryanaira iz Londona često  lete u manje popularna vremena pa u Hrvatsku stižemo kasno u noć.

Odmah drugo jutro Sara i ja uputile smo se prema maru, preciznije otoku Krku koji se nalazi na sjeveru hrvatske obale i samo je dva sata udaljen vožnjom od Zagreba. Tamo smo bile dočekane od prijateljice iz djetinjstva, Sanje koja nam je pokazala Malinsku, odvezla nas na ručak i udomila u svom apartmanu u Vantačićima. Provele smo četiri divna dana, kupajući se u toplom moru čije su temperature dosezale 25 stupnjeva, a možda i koji stupanj više.  U Vantačićima su divne, uređene, stjenovite plaže, bez pretjerano puno ljudi, sa ugodnim kafićima pa smo u svemu tome istinski uživale.

Zadnju večer na otoku Krku smo provele u gradu Krku, a na večeru i obilazak Krka nas je povela druga prijateljica iz djetinjstva Sunčana i njezin sin Marko. Nakon večere u odličnom restoranu, domaćim ljudima dobro poznatom, piće smo ispijali u kafiću u luci. Tamo je toliko lijepo sjediti na sofi I uz tepih na podu da sam se osjećala kao da sjedim u nečjoj dnevnoj sobi na par metara od mora.

Puna srca i sa srećom u duši vratile smo se u Zagreb. U Zagrebu nas uvijek čekaju brojni prijatelji. Na žalost vremena je uvijek puno premalo da ih sve vidimo pa moramo napraviti raspored imajući u vidu prethodna viđenja.

Osim prijatelja u Zagrebu Sara i ja imamo svoje male rituale kojima se također veselimo. Tako ne propuštamo našu dragu frizerku i prijateljicu Ivanku kao i masažu kod Tatjane.

Često odlazimo u kavanu Dubrovnik u samom srcu Zagreba jer smo se tamo u nekom davnom životu nalazile ja i Sarina pokojna baka.

Toliko nas toga lijepog veže za Zagreb da je toplina u srcu ono što ostaje.



Četvrtak, 12. rujna 2024.





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