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Writer's pictureKristina Lang

The beauty of the world/Ljepota svijeta

English translation

With the melancholy of summer, with memories I wake,

You are by my side, upon your shoulder my rainbow trembles.

So close, yet so far away, for years I anticipate you.

You stay by my side even when longings make me silent.

With a summer afternoon I lazily drag a sun-drenched day.

You are here somewhere, your slender body tripped over me.

Time passes, that dream is left on the dry lawn,

But the rain will come and go, you will bend the abyss with me.

In your arms I still shine, I am yours with the tenderness of a flower

Under our tree, the grass is still bright, green and long.

In the shadow, on the hill, along the river flows the unreal beauty of the world.

Dear, your arms carry and take me away while we are caressed by the warmth of summer.


Friday, August 19th, 2022

Ljepota svijeta

S melankolijom ljeta uz sjećanje se budim,

Ti si uz mene, na tvom ramenu podrhtava moja duga.

Tako blizo, a opet daleko, godinama te već slutim

Ostaješ uz mene i kad duge čežnje naprave da zašutim.

Uz ljetno poslijepodne lijeno vučem osunčani dan.

Ti si tu negdje, tvoje se vitko tijelo o mene spotaklo.

Prolazi vrijeme, na suhom travnjaku ostao mi taj san

Al’ kiše ce doći i proći, ti ćeš uz mene saviti bezdan.

U tvom naručju još blistam, tvoja sam uz nježnost cvijeta,

Pod našim drvetom trava je i dalje svijetla, zelena i duga.

U sjeni, na brijegu, uz rijeku teče nestvarna ljepota svijeta.

Dragi, tvoje me ruke nose i odnose dok nas miluje toplina ljeta.


Petak, 19. kolovoza 2022.

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