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Writer's pictureKristina Lang

"That is nothing for me to be ashamed of”/“Ništa to meni nije da me je sram”

Updated: Oct 2, 2022

Some general rules on childcare are universal, but there are segments in which I notice small differences in the upbringing of children in England and Croatia. The English put much more effort into enforcing rules and a strict routine when it comes to the time when children eat or go to bed. Younger children go to bed quite early, and this does not change even with the seasons. When parents go to social gatherings in the evening, the English rarely take their children. And for going to parties such as weddings, they usually hire someone to look after their children at home. However, people in Croatia often take their children everywhere with them. So, if it is an invitation to dinner, it goes without saying that the children will go with us. The fact that they won't go to bed for dinner at 8 but at midnight doesn't worry anyone. For New Year's Eve, we often had family gatherings with our children until late at night with our friends Klarić family. To my Sara, these gatherings and those New Year's Eve are among the greatest memories from childhood. And here, I got to watch my friends' children grow up through these family gatherings. These children are no longer children, they are now grown young people and I truly enjoy spending time with them.

I recently met up with Dora Klarić, a wonderful 22-year-old veterinary student, and her mother Mira, my dear friend. I often remember one event when Dora was about 7-8 years old. At a family gathering in the park, she did something that made her dad angry, so she got a slight smack on her bottom, and in front of all of us, her dad told her, "Dora, you could be ashamed." Dora sat still, defiantly raising her beautiful head up with only one tear flowing and said "That is nothing for me to be ashamed of." Dora won’t know, until she reads this, but I remember her sentence so much that over the past 15 years I have often said, “As Dora Klarić would say, ‘That is nothing for me to be ashamed of.’”



Saturday, April 16th, 2022

“Ništa to meni nije da me je sram”

Neka opća pravila o brizi za djecu su univerzalna, ali postoje segmenti u kojima primjećujem razlike u odgoju djece u Engleskoj i Hrvatskoj. Englezi znatno više napora ulažu u pravila i striktnu rutinu kad je riječ o vremenu kad djeca jedu ili idu na spavanje. Mlađa djeca oodlaze na spavanje dosta rano i to se ne mijenja niti sa godišnjim dobima. Kad odlaze na druženja navečer Englezi rijetko vode svoju djecu i za odlaske na partije kao što su npr vjenčanja često uzimaju nekoga da im djecu čuva kod kuće. Ljudi u Hrvatskoj često vode svoju djecu svugdje sa sobom. Tako ukoliko se radi o pozivu na večeru podrazumijeva se da će djeca ići sa nama. To što za neku večeru neće na spavanje u 8 nego u ponoć nikoga ne zabrinjava. Za dočeke Novih godina često smo tako imali obiteljska druženja sa našom djecom do kasno u noć kod naš prijatelja Klarića. Mojoj su se Sari ta druženja i ti dočeci Novih godina usjekla u sjećanja kao neki od najljepših sjećanja iz djetinjstva. Tako da sam kroz ta obiteljska druženja gledala djecu svojih prijatelja kako odrastaju. Ta djeca više nisu djeca, to su sad odrasli mladi ljudi i ja istinski uživam u druženju sa njima.

Nedavno sam vidjela Doru Klarić, divnu dvadesetdvogodišnju studenticu veterine i njezinu mamu Miru, moju dragu prijateljicu. Sjetila sam se jednog događaja kad je Dora imala nekih 7-8 godina. Na jednom obiteljskom druženju u parku napravila je nešto sto je naljutilo njezinog tatu i zato je dobila blagi udarac po guzi i pred svima nama tata joj je rekao “Dora, može te biti sram”. Dora je mirno sjedila, prkosno je digla svoju lijepu glavicu niz koju je tekla samo jedna suza i rekla “Ništa to meni nije da me je sram.” Dora to nezna, ali meni se ta njezina rečenica toliko usjekla u sjećanje da sam kroz proteklih 15 tak godina često govorila: ‘Kao što bi rekla Dora Klarić “Ništa to meni nije da me je sram.”’

S ljubavlju,


Subota, 16. travnja 2022.

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