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Writer's pictureKristina Lang

Stubborn Englishman and selfless Indian/Tvrdoglavi Englez i samozatajna Indijka

I just watched the second season of the popular American Netflix series "Bridgerton." The series is witty, fun, tense, tenderly romantic and truly passionate, all at the same time. Like the first season, the centre of events is the members of the aristocratic Bridgerton family. Only unlike the first season, it centres on the eldest son and Viscount Anthony. Anthony slowly falls in love with the beautiful Indian woman, Kathani or Kate, but at first wishes to marry her younger sister Edwina. Edwina is declared the diamond of the season by Queen Charlotte, which means the most beautiful and most desirable young lady for marriage in London in the high aristocracy of the time. This was a great honour for the wonderful Edwina and she accepts the affection of the interesting viscount of Bridgerton who gives her the impression of an ideal husband. It could be said that this is the story of a stubborn Englishman who calculated that he wants to be with a woman who suits him, although there is really very little that connects them. Luckily, the smart and proud Edwina discovers in time that what Anthony feels for her is not love, and she withdraws from that scenario on the altar itself.

My favourite character in the series is the seemingly unremarkable and modest Penelope Featherington who hides behind a leaflet she publishes under the pseudonym Lady Whistledown. The sharp and clever Lady Whistledown, with her writing, not only attracts the attention of the whole society, from the lowest class, through the aristocracy all the way to the queen herself, but also influences the course of events and actively leads and directs the society of the time.

I am a little annoyed by the division of roles in terms of race, and I find it hard to understand the fact that in the English aristocracy and at the head of the throne sat Black and Asian people when in this historical time-period people of colour were exploited mainly as the lowest labour force. This rewriting of history seems unnecessary to me. My Sara, on the other hand, says it is both necessary and very refreshing to see and that it is also in the end a fictional story. Entertainment is truly what the Bridgerton series provides to viewers, and I recommend people to watch the series. Enjoy!



Friday, April 1st, 2022

Tvrdoglavi Englez i samozatajna Indijka

Upravo sam odgledala drugu sezonu popularne američke Netflix serije “Bridgerton.” Serija je duhovita, zabavna, napeta, nježno romantična i istinski strastvena, sve u isto vrijeme. Poput prve sezone u centru zbivanja su članovi aristokratske obitelji Bridgerton, samo što je za razliku od prve sezone u centru najstariji sin i grof Anthony. Anthony se zaljubljuje u divnu indijku Kate, ali odlučuje oženiti njezinu sestru Edwinu. Edvinu je kraljica Charlotte proglasila dijamantom sezone, što je znacilo najljepšu i najpoželjniju djevojku za udaju u Londonu u visokoj aristokraciji tog doba. To je bila velika čast za divnu Edwinu i ona prihvaća naklonost zanimljivog grofa Bridgerton koji joj odaje dojam idealnog supruga. Moglo bi se reći da je ovo i priča o tvrdoglavom Englezu koji si je izračunao da želi biti sa ženom koja mu po računici odgovara, iako uistinu ima vrlo malo toga sto ih istinski povezuje. Srećom pametna i ponosna Edwina na vrijeme otkriva da ono što Anthony za nju osjeća nije ljubav i povlači se is tog scenarija i to na samom oltaru.

Meni je najdraži lik u seriji naizgled neupadljiva i neskladna Penelope Featherington koja se krije iza pamfleta što objavljuje pod pseudonimom Lady Whistledown. Oštroumna i dosjetljiva Lady Whistledown svojim pisanjem ne samo što privlači pažnju sveukupnog društva, od najnižeg sloja, preko aristokracije do same kraljice, nego utječe na tijek događanja i aktivno navodi i usmjerava društvo toga vremena.

Malo me nervira podjela uloga u pogledu rasa i teško mi se uživjeti u to da su u engleskoj aristokraciji i na čelu prijestolja sjedili crnci kad znamo da su u to vrijeme crnci eksploatirani uglavnom kao najniža radna snaga. To prekrajanje povijesti mi se čini nepotrebno. Moja Sara to razumije i kaže da je to izmišljena priča koja služi za zabavu, ali I da je raspodjela uloga po rasama osvježavajuća. Zabava je uistinu ono što serija Bridgerton pruža gledateljima. Uživajte!

S ljubavlju,


Petak, 1. travnja 2022.

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