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Writer's pictureKristina Lang

Our souls at night/Naše duše u noći

We live in difficult times. Two years of fighting the pandemic has affected our lives in many ways, and it has not brought anything good to anyone I know. We have all been victims of a time when socializing has become undesirable, hugs and kisses expensive, travel an unrepentant luxury. Some of us have lost in this battle our loved ones, and there is certainly no relief for them yet, or if there is, it remains with bitterness on the lips. One of my dear friends has lost the love of her life, another brother, a third husband and for them the horror of the pandemic is still a sad reality with which they both lie down and wake up.

When we thought that we could finally breathe a little and look at the pandemic from the height provided by vaccines and acquired immunity, and when we believed that the worst was behind us, war happened. Europe is once again on its doorstep watching tanks, motionless human bodies on the streets of cities and the sea of refugees spilling over its borders. Today I told my Ukrainian friend Yuliya that I had stopped watching the news, but that I was always there for her. I didn’t actually stop completely, it’s impossible even if I tried, but instead of hours and hours of watching the news, I turn to Netflix and watch some movie. I go for an hour and something to a better world, because I choose films that ennoble, not those in which I drown.

Last night I watched a nice movie "Our Souls at Night". It is about a widow and a widower who in their late seventies find the friendship from which romantic love was born. The extraordinary acting of two top actors, Robert Redford and Jane Fonda, contributed to the beauty of this unusual, and yet ordinary touching human story. So, I kind of think, maybe it's not too late for me either.

These bad times don't help us at all. But even in pandemics and wars, people still remain people and love gets born and love does not die.



Monday, March 14th, 2022

Naše duše u noći

Živimo u teškom vremenu. Dvije godine borbe sa pandemijom utjecalo je na naše živote raznoliko, ali nikome koga znam nije donijelo nešto dobro. Svi smo bili i još smo uvijek žrtve vremena u kojem je druženje postalo nepoželjeno,a zagrljaji i poljupci skupi, a putovanja neprežaljeni luksuz. Neki od nas su izgubili u toj bitci svoje voljene i drage ljude, i za njih olakšanja još sasvim sigurno nema ili ako ga ima ostaje sa gorčinom na usnama. Jedna je moja draga prijateljica izgubila ljubav svog života, druga brata, treća supruga i za njih je strahota pandemije jos pretužna realnost sa kojom se i liježu i bude.

Kad smo pomislili da možemo konačno malo odahnuti i na pandemiju gledati sa visine koju su nam obezbijedila cjepiva i stečeni imunitet i kad smo povjerovali da je najgore iza nas, desio se rat. Evropa ponovo na svom pragu gleda tenkove, nepomična ljudska tijela po ulicama gradova i more izbjeglica koje se preljeva preko njezinih granica. Danas sam mojoj prijateljici Ukrajinki Juliji rekla da sam prestala gledati vijesti, ali da sam za nju uvijek tu. Nisam zapravo prestala u potpunosti, nemoguće je to i kad bih pokušala, ali umjesto sati i sati gledanja vijesti okrenem na Netflix i pogledam neki film. Odem tako na sat i nešto u neki bolji svijet, jer biram filmove koji oplemenjuju, a ne one u kojima se utapam.

Tako sam sinoć pogledala lijep film “Naše duše u noći”. Radi se o udovici i udovcu koji u kasnim sedamdesetima nalaze prijateljestvo iz kojeg se rodila i romantična ljubav. Izvarendna gluma dvoje vrhunskih glumaca Roberta Redforda i Jane Fonde doprinijela je ljepoti ove neobične, a opet i obične dirljive ljudske priče pa ja nekako pomislim, možda ni za mene još nije kasno.

Ova nam nesrtena vremena baš u ničemu ne pomažu. Ali i u pandemijama i u ratovima ljudi ipak ostaju ljudi i ljubavi se i rađaju i ljubavi ne umiru.

S ljubavlju,


Ponedeljak, 14. ožujka 2022.

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