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Writer's pictureKristina Lang

Our silences/Naše tišine

Updated: Mar 7, 2022

Some days are needless and empty,

Then I think very little of you.

I listen to myself and hear the silence,

But I don't want a cold winter to freeze me.

Dreamy mornings pass dreamless nights,

I can't find a break without us in them.

I feel like I'm running out of tenderness,

But even in the days without the sun, I find escape.

So, I write poems and I long through them,

Nothing from me reveals that you're not here.

And yet, there are so little of you in the late mornings,

I don't feel you're close during the day either.

Again, how would I go without you?

I could not let a stranger into our silences.

And when I don't think you're there, I still feel you,

Though at night I touch the beloved voids.

Here, there is still you in my poems.

But those verses are so small and insignificant.

I'm still walking the paths we don't have,

And I'm happy with the flashes in which the beginnings may be in sight.



Thursday, January 22nd, 2022

Naše tišine

Neki su dani suvišni i prazni,

Tad sasvim malo mislim na tebe.

Osluhnem sebe i čujem tišinu.

Al’ nedam varljivoj zimi da me ozebe.

Prolaze snena jutra, noći bez snova,

U njima ne nalazim odmor od nas.

Osjećam da mi ponestaje nježnosti,

Al’ i u danima bez sunca nalazim spas.

Pišem tako pjesme i čeznem kroz njih,

Iz mene ništa ne odaje da nisi tu.

A ipak tako te malo ima u kasnim jutrima,

Ni kroz dan ne osjećam da si blizu.

Opet, kako bih dalje bez tebe?

Ne bih mogla stranca pustiti u naše tišine.

I kad ne mislim da si tu jos te osjećam.

premda u noćima dotičem voljene praznine.

Evo, još te ima u mojim pjesmama;

Al’ tako su mali i nevažani ti retki.

Još koračam putevima u kojima nas nema,

A raduju me treptaji u kojima se možda naziru početki.

S ljubavlju,


Četvrtak, 20. siječnja 2022.

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