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Writer's pictureKristina Lang

On The Bridge of Sighs/Na Mostu uzdaha

English translation/Engleski prijevod

I will wait for you dear on the sunny side,

While winters come and go through us.

I will grow old in silence alone and mine,

In every frozen hope I will find the same salvation.

I will stop on the upkept path

While the winter sun warms frozen faces.

In our sky there are clouds and a light trail

While flights of imaginary birds cross the sky.

I will wait for you dear by The Bridge of Sighs,

And I will write the most beautiful verse about this beauty.

I'm not in your mornings of feathers,

But happiness is when you are in the imagination of this love.

I will pause on that bridge to grasp the beauty,

And you will walk in my ways as long as we exist.

Sunny mornings will dance the tango in my verses,

And in dreams, another enchanted winter will come and go.


Saturday, January 7th, 2023

Na Mostu uzdaha

Čekat ću te dragi na sunčanoj strani,

Dok zime dolaze i prolaze kroz nas.

Starit ću u tišini sama i svoja,

U svakoj ću promrzloj nadi naći isti spas.

Zastat ću na odnjegovanom puteljku

Dok zimsko sunce grije promrzla lica.

Na našem nebu oblaci i svjetlosti trag

Dok ga presjecaju letovi zamišljenih ptica.

Čekat cu te dragi uz Most uzdaha;

O njegovoj ću ljepoti napisati najljepši stih.

Nema me u tvojim jutrima od perja,

Al’ sreća je kad te ima u mašti od ljubavi tih.

Zastat ću na tom mostu da dokučim ljepotu,

A ti ćeš kročiti putevima mojim sve dok nas ima.

U mojim će stihovima sunačna jutra plesati tango,

A u snovima će doći i proći još jedna začarana zima.


Subota, 7. siječnja 2023.

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