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Writer's pictureKristina Lang

Not all true loves are sad./Nisu sve prave ljubavi tuzne.

Updated: Mar 7, 2022

The late Serbian singer and lyricist, Balasevic, wrote the line “All true loves are sad”. When I was a young girl, my Sara’s age, I read the classic love tragedy “Wuthering Heights” written by British author Emily Bronte. For decades later I considered this as the most beautiful love story ever written, agreeing with Balasevic that all true loves are sad. However, with life experience and as I aged my views on true love stories have changed. Now I embrace happier long-lasting loves that prove that not all true loves are sad. One such true love story is that of Prince Philip and Queen Elizabeth II.

She met him as a child but their story begins from an encounter that happened when she was only 13 years old. He was 5 years older, tall, blond, and handsome and immediately left an impression on the then young princess. They corresponded for years, met at various events and with the years that passed their love grew. Philip was not immediately accepted by the establishment of the palace as the suitable husband of the future queen. There were even attempts to try to convince the princess of more suitable candidates, but the young princess knew exactly what and whom she wanted. Somebody once said, "She pushed her own way without ever opening her mouth. I definitely underestimated her."

They married when she was 21 and he 26. He was at the time an officer in the British Navy, and they said he would surely go far in his career. After the birth of his first child, he retired from his job and became the husband of the queen, probably the most powerful queen in the world. On the one hand, he was indescribably lucky that she chose him, and she could, I guess, choose whomever she wanted. And on the other hand, he had to suppress his own ambitions and remain in the shadow of his royal wife. How many men would remain steadfast and firm in that role, we can only speculate. But behind them is 73 years of marriage that was certainly not always equally happy, but always lasting and solid. Of the four children they had, three divorced and these were certainly dark clouds that hovered over the royal couple.

With this post I am not paying tribute to the Queen and Prince, I will leave that to people who are much more British than myself. Here I pay tribute to a woman and a man who have lived for 73 years in the spotlight of the entire world without any major quarrels that have come to light. Any disputes they had never grew into scandals, everything was left only to rumours and speculations. No one can deny that this is a great, true love that has remained strong and withstood the many challenges that life brings with it.

He's gone forever today, and she must be in huge pain. Some losses are irreparable and the pain they cause does not spare anyone, not even the Queen.

There will be a lot of writing and talking about the happy, true and lifelong love of Elizabeth and Philip, and this is my modest contribution.


Friday, April 9th, 2021

Nisu sve prave ljubavi tuzne

Pokojni srpski pjevač i tekstopisac, Balašević, napisao je redak "Sve prave ljubavi su tužne". Kad sam bila mlada djevojka, mojih Sarinih godina, čitala sam klasičnu ljubavnu tragediju “Orkanski visovi”, koju je napisala britanska autorica Emily Bronte. Desetljećima kasnije smatrala sam to djelo najljepšom ljubavnom pričom ikad napisanom, slažući se s Balaševićem da su sve istinske ljubavi tužne. Međutim, sa životnim iskustvom i starenjem, moji su se pogledi na istinske ljubavne priče promijenili. Sada odajem priznanje sretnim i dugotrajnim ljubavima koje dokazuju da nisu sve prave ljubavi tužne. Jedna od takvih istinskih ljubavnih priča je ona o princu Filipu i kraljici Elizabeti II.

Srela ga je jos kao dijete, ali ga pamti od susreta koji se dogodio kad je imala samo 13 godina. Bio je 5 godina stariji, visok, plav I zgodan i odmah je ostavio utisak na tadasnju mladu princezu. Dopisivali su se godinama, sretali se na razlicitim dogadjanjima I sa godinama koje su prolazile njihova je ljubav rasla. Nije Filip odmah bio prihvacen od establishmenta palace za pogodnog supruga buduce kraljice. Bilo je tu otpora cak I pokusaja da uvjere princezu da ima I drugih ali mlada je princeza tocno znala sto I koga zeli. U jednom dokumentarnom filmu cula sam izjavu: “Izgurala je po svome, a da pritom nije otvorila usta. Ja sam ju totalno podcijenio.”

Ozenili su se u dobi od njezinih 21 I njegovih 26. Bio je tada oficir u britanskoj mornarici I kazu sigurno bi u karijeri daleko dogurao. Nakon rodjenja prvog djeteta on se povukao iz svog posla I postao suprug jedne kraljice, vjerovatno najmocnije kraljice na svijetu. Sa jedne strane imao je neopisivu srecu da je bas njega izabrala, a mogla je pretpostavljam izabrati koga god je htjela. A sa druge strane morao je zatomiti vlastite ambicije I ostati u sjeni svoje kraljevske zene. Koliko bi muskaraca ostalo postojano I cvrsto u toj ulozi, bilo bi samo nagadjanje. Ali iza njih je 73 godine braka koji sigurno nije uvijek bio jednako sretan, ali uvijek postojan I cvrst. Od cetvoro djece koliko su imali, troje se rastalo I to su sigurno oblaci koji su se nadvili nad kraljevskim parom.

Ovim postom ne odajem priznanje kraljici I princu, to cu ostaviti ljudima koji su puno britanskiji od mene. Ovdje odajem priznanje jednoj zeni I jednom muskarcu koji su prozivjeli 73 godine zivota, u zizi svjetskog I britanskog intersa bez svadja koje bi izbile na vidjelo. Svadja je naslucuje se I bilo, ali nikada nisu prerasle u skandale, sve je ostalo samo na saputanjima I nagadjanjima. Nitko ne moze poreci da se radi o velikoj, pravoj ljubavi koja je odolila iskusenjima koje zivot nuzno sa sobom nosi.

On je danas otisao zauvijek I njoj mora da je strasno. Neki su gubitci nenadoknadivi I bol koju uzrokuju ne postedjuje nikoga, pa niti kraljacu.

O sretnoj, velikoj I trajnoj ljubavi Elizabete I Filipa ce se dugo I puno pisati I pricati, a ovo je moj skromni doprinos.


Petak, 9. Travnja 2021.

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