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My holiday is Croatia, what's yours/Moj godišnji je Hrvatska, šta je tvoj

Writer's picture: Kristina LangKristina Lang

"My holiday is Croatia, what's yours?"

When my daughter was little, we always went on holiday to Croatia. Not only did we miss Croatia, we were returning home because years after moving to England, we still treated Croatia as our home. In addition, both Sara's grandfathers were still alive in those early years and lived for our arrivals and spending time with their only granddaughter Sara. Sara understood so much that it is normal that holidays are spent in Croatia that we once heard her say to someone "My holiday is Croatia, what is yours?" Sara's dad now prefers to discover other countries and his vacations are all over the world and Sara often travels with him. Still, she also returns to Croatia with her mother. Sara’s dad teases me because of that, and because I am not as inventive and adventurous as he is, so he quotes Sara, "My holiday is Croatia, what's yours?"

That feeling that Croatia is a home has changed over time and now Cambridge is home, but Sara and I are still happy to go on holidays to Croatia. Here we enjoy hanging out with Sara's uncle and with many friends. We choose the most common Croatian islands for our summer holidays. The islands are beautiful, the beaches unique, the food to our liking with plenty of fish, and the crowds are usually less than in places along the coast. Sara has only a wish that we go to a new island every summer. So, this summer the choice fell on the place Supetar on the island of Brac, from where I took these beautiful photos.



Tuesday, June 14th, 2022

“Moj godišnji je Hrvatska, šta je tvoj?”

Kad je moja kćer bila mala uvijek smo na godišnji odmor iz Engleske odlazili u Hrvatsku. Ne samo da nam je Hrvatska nedostajla, vraćali smo se kući jer smo godinama nakon preseljenja u Englesku još uvijek Hrvatsku shvaćali svojim domom. Uz to oba Sarina djeda su u tim ranim godinama bila jos živa i živjeli su za naše dolaske i za druženja sa jedinom unučicom Sarom. Sara je toliko shvatila pod normalno da se praznici provode u Hrvatskoj da smo ju jednom čuli kako je nekome rekla “Moj godišnji je Hrvatska, šta je tvoj?” Sarin tata sada preferira otkrivanje drugih zemalja i njegovi su godišnji odmori svugdje po svijetu. Sara često putuje sa njim, ali i vraća se sa svojom mamom u Hrvatsku. On nas zbog toga i ponekad zadirkuje jer nismo inventivne kao on pa citira Saru “Moj godišnji je Hrvatska, šta je tvoj?”

Taj osjećaj da je Hrvatska dom se sa vremenom promijenio i sada je Cambridge dom, ali Sara i ja svejedno rado odlazimo i nadalje na praznike u Hrvatsku. Tu uživamo u druženju sa Sarinim ujom, ali i sa brojnim prijateljima. Za ljetne praznike biramo najčesce hrvatske otoke. Otoci su divni, plaže jedinstvene, hrana po našem ukusu sa dosta ribe, a gužve su obično manje nego na mjestima uz obalu. Sara ima jedino želju da svako ljeto idemo na neki novi otok. Tako je ovo ljeto izbor pao na mjesto Supetar na otoku Braču sa kojeg prilažem ove lijepe fotografije.

S ljubavlju,


Utorak, 14. lipnja 2022.

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