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Writer's pictureKristina Lang

My bow to the British opposition/Moj naklon britanskoj opoziciji

Updated: Mar 7, 2022

Last night, the British Prime Minister put to a vote in Parliament new restrictive measures related to the Covid pandemic, called Plan B. Surprisingly, a large number of Torie’s MPs, the ruling conservative party, did not support their prime minister. The prime minister still won thanks to the support of British labour party, the main opposition party. The revolt in the ranks of the Tories is now being analyzed and re-examined on all news channels. What was it really about? These are the adopted measures:

• Face masks are mandatory in most enclosed spaces

• Covid passports will be introduced to enter bars, nightclubs and all major gatherings

• Covid Vaccination is mandatory for all workers employed by the NHS, the UK healthcare system.

As one leading members of the British Labour Party has noted on TV last night, it is irrelevant whether you trust politicians and the Prime Minister himself. It is important that we trust people who know what they are talking about, and these are two people in Britain whom I completely trust: Professor Chris Whitty, the Chief Medical Officer and Sir Patrick Vallance, the Government Chief Scientific Adviser. In my humble opinion, people who think they understand how the immune system works better than these two men are not being realistic.

As far as I hear, the Croatian Prime Minister also surrounded himself with smart advisers because the Croatian government advocates vaccination and fights irrational resistance, which is not negligible in Croatia or England.

I really like the fact that in Britain, the Labour opposition has supported the Prime Minister, put the interests of the people ahead of party interests and politics, and ensured that the necessary measures are taken. I take this opportunity to pay my respects to the British Labour Party for their actions of support PlanB last night in parliament.


Wednesday, December 15th, 2021

Moj naklon britanskoj opoziciji

Proslu je noć britanski premijer stavio na glasanje u Parlementu nove restrikcijske mjere vezane uz pandemiju Covidom, nazvane Plan B. Iznenađujće, veliki broj Torijevaca, članova vladajuće desnice, nije podržao svog premijera, ali premijer je ipak odnio pobjedu zahvaljujući podršci opozicije. Pobuna u redovima Torijevaca se analizira i preispituje na svim vijestima. O čemu se zapravo radilo? Ovo su usvojene sporne mjere:

  • Maske za lice su obavezne u većini zatvorenih prostora

  • Biti će uvedene Covid putovnice za ulaz u barove, noćne klubove i sva veća okupljanja

  • Covid cijepljenje je obavezno za sve radnike zaposlene u britanskom zdrastvenom sustavu (NHS).

Kao sto je napomenuo jedan vodeći član britanskih laburista prošlu noć, nebitno je dali vjerujete političarima pa i samom premijeru. Bitno je da vjerujemo ljudima koji znaju o čemu pričaju, a to su u Britaniji dva čovjeka kojima ja potpuno vjerujem Professor Chris Whitty – glavni savjetnik vlade za medicinu i Sir Patrick Vallance – glavni vladin savjetnik za znanost. Ljudi koji misle da razumiju kako imuni sistem radi bolje od ova dva čovjeka nisu baš realistični.

Koliko čujem hrvatski se premijer isto okružio sa pametnim savjetnicima jer Hrvatska vlada zastupa cijepljenje i bori se sa iracionalnim otporima koji u Hrvatskoj, kao i u Engleskoj, nisu zanemarivi.

Jako mi se sviđa sto je u Britaniji laburistička opozicija podržala premijera, stavila interese ljudi ispred stranačkih interesa i politike i što je time osigurala da se provedu nužne mjere. Koristim ovu priliku za moj nakolon Britanskim laburistima za tu podršku premijeru proslu noć u parlamentu.


Srijeda, 15. prosinca 2021.

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