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Writer's pictureKristina Lang

Mimosa flowers/Cvjetovi mimoze

In my heart flourish some yellow flowers,

While winters and rain are passing near us.

I think of you even as days are short and dark,

And all I can feel and see are gentle mimosas.

Where that flower comes from, I do not know

Distant sun and warmness are inside of me.

Gentleness and yellow blossom carry this dream

Attention and love in your eyes I somehow can see.

Years are passing by; another December is here.

Late winter does not always bring us a yellow spring.

In my hopes you will share my view on mimosa bundles

Music in my heart cuddles me and maintains this theme.

Have you ever brought mimosas to anyone; do you care?

Perhaps you do not know this flower is here.

Year after year we are still in a yellow sphere,

Do not forget that I carry you like mimosas, my dearest dear.


Saturday, December 31st, 2022

Croatian translation/Hrvatski prijevod

Cvjetovi mimoze

U mom srcu cvjetaju neki žuti cvjetovi,

Dok zime i kiše prolaze kraj nas.

Mislim na tebe i dok su dani kratki i tamni,

I sve što osjećam i vidim su nježne mimoze.

Odakle dolazi taj cvijet, ne znam

Daleko sunce i toplina su u meni.

Nježnost i žuti cvijet nose ovaj san,

Pažnju i ljubav u tvojim očima i sad vidim.

Prolaze godine; još jedan prosinac je tu.

Kasna zima ne donosi nam uvijek žuto proljeće.

Nadam se da ćeš misliti poput mene o stručku mimoza

Glazba u mom srcu me miluje i održava istu temu.

Jesi li ikada nekome donio mimoze; je li ti stalo?

Možda ne znaš da je ovaj cvijet negdje tu.

Iz godine u godinu još uvijek smo u žutoj sferi,

Ne zaboravi da te nosim kao mimoze, najdraži moj.


Subota, 31. prosinca 2022.

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