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Writer's pictureKristina Lang

Making friends with sadness/Sprijateljiti se sa tugom

Updated: Mar 7, 2022

It is not always happiness that carries us,

Sometimes we have to make friends with sadness.

In some sorrows there are many pieces,

And even when we are not nearby, we remain as one.

It is not always the smile of serenity that illuminates,

In some tears our loves can touch each other.

Your eyes leave a mark on my soul,

And it doesn't scare me anymore crying with no tears.

Wherever my sorrows carry me

You will be there, running down my face.

In some distances there are many desires.

There is some happiness in certain sadness.



Saturday, September 18th, 2021

Sprijateljiti se sa tugom

Nije uvijek sreća ta koja nas nosi,

Ponekad se moramo sprijateljiti sa tugom.

U nekim tugama ima puno imanja,

I kad se nemamo ostajemo jedno.

Nije uvijek osmjeh vedrina koja obasjava,

U nekim suzama ljubavi se dotiču.

Tvoje oči ostavljaju trag na mojoj duši

I ne plaše me više plakanja bez suza.

Kamo god me moje tuge nosile

Bit ćeš tu, teći ćeš niz moje lice.

U nekim neimanjima ima pregršt želja.

U nekim tugama ima nešto sreće.

S ljubavlju,


Subota, 18. rujna 2021.

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