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Writer's pictureKristina Lang

Love and other daffodils/Ljubav i drugi narcisi

In every shy sunshine I see a new start,

Sun all around, shinning with golden hope.

Do not be surprised, spring is in my heart.

Love and other daffodils surround “us”, with a little light.

In yellow flowers I can see happiness,

While I am standing in this circle of longing and loosing.

In the chill mornings I can feel some playfulness

In a colourful primrose there is much warmness.

There are no tears when daffodils vein,

Spring in the heart keeps our soul alive.

I will always hold my yellow love without pain,

In cool days I overhear sunshine that I vow to maintain.

Love and other daffodils all around, sun and wind

Again and again I dream the same dream with no regret.

Perhaps you don’t have flowers in your mind

But I still love my hope, and sun that I can always find.


Thursday, March 30th, 2023

Croatian translation/Hrvatski prijevod

Ljubav i drugi narcisi

U svakoj sramežljivoj zraci sunca vidim novi početak,

Sunce oko nas sjaji zlatnom nadom.

Ne čudite se, proljeće mi je u srcu,

Ljubav i drugi narcisi su svuda oko “nas”, uz malo svjetla.

U žutom cvijeću nalazim sreću

Dok stojim u svom krugu čežnje i gubljenja.

U hladnim jutrima osjećam neku razigranost,

U šarenim jaglacima ima mnogo topline.

Nema suza kad narcisi venu,

Proljeće u srcu drži naše duše u životu.

Zauvijek ću čuvati svoju žutu ljubav bez boli,

U hladnim danima naslućujem sunce koje obećajem sačuvati.

Ljubav i drugi narcisi svuda oko nas, sunce i vjetar.

Opet i iznova sanjam isti san bez žaljenja.

Možda nemate cvijeće u svojim mislima,

Ali ja i dalje volim svoju nadu, i sunce koje mogu uvijek pronaći.


Četvrtak, 30. ožujka 2023.

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