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Writer's pictureKristina Lang

Like snowdrops/Kao visibabe

Updated: Mar 7, 2022

Worlds flow within you, you are my strength,

And early spring flowers bloom through us.

Spring is waiting for us and invites kisses

Be the sun that nurtures the blossoming snowdrops.

The petals touch your arms, you are my tenderness,

And that whiteness remains preserved in the love that lasts.

Some Marchs are as far away as your hugs,

But I will be waiting for you next spring again.

Until the early spring dawns sparkle in your eyes

I will stay there for you, at the bottom of our hill.

I will dream of the forest in the spring, and I will carry my heart in my palm

You will guard me, and I will know we are both still here.

Until on the edge of some forest in some spring

Snowdrops defying cold frosts will flourish.

I will know that beauty and sun transcend icy winds

And we remain as one, while dreaming of happiness.



Photo credits to my friend Katarina.

Tuesday, February 8th, 2022

Kao visibabe

U tebi se pretaču svijetovi, ti si moja snaga.

I ranoproljetni cvjetovi cvjetaju kroz nas.

Proljeća nas čekaju i dozivaju poljupce

Budi sunce što njeguje tek procvale visibabe.

U tvom se naručju dotiču latice, ti si moja nježnost

I ta bjelina ostaje sačuvana u ljubavi što traje.

Neki su ožujci daleki kao i tvoji zagrljaji

Ali ja ću te čekati i naredno proljeće.

Sve dok se u tvojim očima iskre ranoproljetne zore

Ja ću za tebe ostati tu, na dnu naseg brežuljka.

Sanjat ću šumu u proljeće i nosit ću srce na dlanu

Ti ćeš me, kao uvijek čuvati i ja ću znati smo još tu.

Sve dok na rubu neke šume u neko proljeće

Cvjetaju visibabe koje prkose hladnim mrazevima.

Znat ću da ljepota i sunce nadilaze ledene vjetrove

I mi ostajemo kao jedno dok maštamo o sreći.

S ljubavlju,


Zahvaljujem prijateljici Katarini za sliku visibaba.

Utorak, 8. veljače 2022.

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