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Writer's pictureKristina Lang

Life is late summer/Život je kasno ljeto

Updated: Mar 7, 2022

Life is a long river, sometimes calm and peaceful, sometimes fast and devastating,

In it, our smiles of happiness intertwine with all our unshed tears.

If I could swim in the warm, unknown river of your life,

With my soul, I would touch this late summer, that is passing without us.

Life is a hope and a smile, please do not mind if I steal one from your lips.

Birth is a love that arises and spreads, brings us joy that lasts a lifetime.

If only I could kiss your shining eyes with a thought,

I would know the happiness I foresee; I would touch the rainbow.

Life is an early autumn we admire while we touch in our dreams.

In all these colours, treasures, and light fogs we sometimes fall.

May this day, but also every day, bring you hugs and hands that caress,

I wish they were mine, but if they are not, I’m with you at some point.



Sunday, August 22nd, 2021

Život je kasno ljeto

Život je duga rijeka, ponekad tiha i mirna, katkad brza i razarajuća;

U njoj se stapaju naši osmjesi sreće sa svim neisplakanim suzama.

Kad bih mogla zaplivati ​​u toploj, neznanoj rijeci tvog života,

Dotakla bi svojom dušom ovo kasno ljeto sto prolazi bez nas.

Život je nada i osmjeh, ne zamjeri kad ukradem neki sa tvojih usana.

Rođenje je ljubav što nastaje i raste, donosi nam radost koja traje za vijek.

Kad bih mogla mišlju poljubiti tvoje blistave oči,

Spoznala bi sreću koju slutim, u tvom bi zagrljaju dotakla dugu.

Život je rana jesen kojoj se divimo, dok se dotičemo u snovima.

U svim tim bojama, raskoši i maglama ponekad se spotičemo.

Nek ti ovaj, ali i svaki dan donese zagrljaj i ruke koje te miluju,

Voljela bih da su moje, ali ako nisu, uz tebe sam u nekom trenutku.

S ljubavlju,


Nedelja, 22. kolovoza 2021.

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