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Writer's pictureKristina Lang

In my dreams/U mojim snovima

Updated: Mar 7, 2022

Another spring without you is passing,

Early sun is shining, and it seems it carries me to you.

You are not here, but inside of me there is no sadness.

My feelings for you are warm, and that is what is lasting.

Sunny mornings without your desired touch,

If you only knew I miss you, would you smile?

Seeing you here and there, that would be a help,

Darling, would that mean I am asking for too much?

So much time without you, behind us and in front,

Today is just one more day in which I am missing you.

If I would occasionally cry, that could bring me some relief,

But I’ve found another way of living, in my dreams I find comfort.

In my peaceful evenings that I spend in writing,

I am asking myself what your evenings look like.

My thoughts and feelings might never reach you,

But I often hear you are well and that helps to keep me smiling.



Friday, April 23rd, 2021

U mojim snovima

Prolazi još jedno proljeće bez Tebe,

Rano sunce bljesti i kao da me nosi k Tebi.

Nisi ovdje, ali u meni nema tuge.

Moji osjećaji prema Tebi su topli, a to je ono što traje.

Sunčana jutra bez željenog dodira,

Kad bi samo znao da mi nedostajes, bi li se nasmiješio?

Vidjeti Te tu i tamo, meni bi to pomoglo,

Dragi, dali bih ja to zaista tražila previše?

Toliko vremena bez Tebe, iza nas i ispred,

Danas je još jedan dan u kojem mi nedostaješ.

Ako bih povremeno plakala, mozda bi to donijelo olaksanje,

Ali nasla sam takav nacin zivota da u snovima nalazim utjehu.

U mojim mirnim večerima koje provodim u pisanju,

Pitam se kako izgledaju Tvoje večeri.

Moje misli i osjećaji možda nikada neće doći do Tebe,

Ali često čujem da si dobro i to mi pomaže da se i dalje smiješim.

S ljubavlju,


Petak, 23. travnja 2021.

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