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Writer's pictureKristina Lang

In giving there is having/U davanju ima imanja

Updated: Mar 7, 2022

Another December and a mild winter,

The holidays ahead and the occasional frost.

Colourful lights sparkle in the dark

And in us, for a moment, the child awakens.

Overlooking the bright Christmas lights

We feel we are in a clear source of happiness.

The holidays bring us the smell of cakes,

And sometimes we want some smiles as a gift.

Once again, December brings a picture of love.

There is an infinite amount of having in giving.

In the array of holiday decorations, lamps and candles

We dream dreams that may become reality.

And while another December brings us closer

We remain smiling at our loved ones.

With the love we give, even the most fragile of us

become the stars that shine at the top of the Christmas tree.



Sunday, December 19th, 2021

U davanju ima imanja

Još jedan prosinac i nježna zima,

Blagdani su pred nama i pokoji mraz.

Šarena svjetla trepere u mraku

I na tren, u nama se probudi dijete.

S pogledom na šarenilo božićnog svjetla

Osjećamo da smo u bistrom izvoru sreće.

Blagdani nam donose mirise kolača,

I katkad neke nasmijane usne želimo na dar.

Još jednom prosinac donosi sliku ljubavi.

U davanju ima beskonačno puno imanja.

U šarenilu blagdanskih ukrasa, lampica i svijeća

Sanjamo snove koji možda jesu ostvarivi.

I dok nas još jedan prosinac zbližuje

Ostajemo zagledani u svoje voljene.

Uz ljubav koju pružamo i najkrhkiji od nas

postaju zvijezde što svijetle sa vrha božićnog drvca.

S ljubavlju,


Nedelja, 19. prosinca 2021.

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