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Writer's pictureKristina Lang

If you only knew/Kad bi ti znao

Updated: Mar 7, 2022

If you only knew how I would kiss you

Both tenderly and passionately, just like the first time.

If you believed we have each other, at least for a moment,

Tiredness would disappear from your dreamy eyes.

If you knew how I would hug you,

In our embrace the worlds would mix.

I would swing our present with my touch,

And I'd take the worry off your wrinkled forehead.

If my wishes became ours tomorrow,

Every day would be a sunny seashore.

In my dreams I am a giant, I bridge mountains.

In reality, I love you, even though you are not near me.


Tuesday, October 12th, 2021

Kad bi ti znao

Kad bi ti znao kako bi te ljubila

I njžno i strasno, onako kao prvi put.

Ako bi povjerovao da se imamo, barem za tren,

Umor bi nestao iz tvojih snenih očiju.

Kad bi ti slutio kako bi te grlila,

U našem bi se zagljaju doticali svijetovi.

Svojim bi dodirom zanjihala naše danas

I otklonila bih brigu s tvog namreškanog čela.

Ako bi moje želje postale naše sutra,

Svaki bi dan bio osunčani žal.

U snovima sam div, premošćujem planine.

U stvarnosti te ljubim premda nisi pored mene.


Utorak, 12. listopada 2021.

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