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Writer's pictureKristina Lang

I remember you often/Sjetim te se često

English translation

On roads where there is no you, light breaks.

I remember you often, but even time flies without us.

Life is a magical fairy tale and a completely ordinary story,

It depends on where each of us finds salvation.

I remember your voice, tenderness and care,

And the memories are alive, that flower does not die.

On the field of my life remains that unwithering flower

And even hidden in thick grass, enlightens my world.

I see in my mind your gentle, dark and deep eyes.

You stay far away, I cannot reach you through a dream.

I grasp out my hands and touch nothingness, and yet there is you.

The sun is born and dies, and I am happy with another day.

And so, on that path of not having you and my longing

Sometimes I stumble upon some forgotten wish.

But in my lasting, there is joy even without us.

There is a reflection of my dream in the clouds, but I firmly touch the ground.


"The less you see him, the more you remember him."

Dr A. Y.

Friday, February 3rd, 2023

Sjetim te se često

Na putevima na kojima te nema svjetla se lome.

Sjetim te se često iako vrijeme leti bez nas.

Život je čarobna bajka i sasvim obična priča,

Ovisi u čemu svatko od nas pronalazi spas.

Sjetim se tvog glasa, nježnosti i brige

I sjećanja su živa, u meni ne umire taj cvijet.

Na livadi mog života ostao je i ne vene,

I ako sakrivan u gustoj travi, ipak uljepšava moj svijet.

Vidim u mislima tvoje nježne, tamne i duboke oči.

Ti ostaješ dalek, teško mi je doseći te kroz san.

Pružam ruke i dotičem ništavilo, a opet te ima,

Sunce se rađa i umire, a mene raduje još jedan dan.

I tako na tom putu od nemanja i čežnje

Spotaknem se nekad o neku zaboravljenu želju.

Ali u trajanjima mojim, radosti ima i bez nas.

U oblacima je odsjaj mog sna, al’ ja čvrsto dotičem zemlju.


“Što ga manje vidiš, to ga više pamtiš”

Dr. A. Y.

Petak, 3. veljače 2023.

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