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Writer's pictureKristina Lang

Holding hands/Držanje za ruke

At the time when Sara was still a baby, I was very eagerly waiting for the time when I could take her by the hand for a walk. That act of holding hands is something that meant a lot to me emotionally, and I really enjoyed it while Sara was growing up. But when she was 10 years old and still in primary school, Sara was ashamed to hold her mother's hand near the school as many children at that age go through such a phase. We walked like that once and I tried to convince Sara that it was perfectly okay to walk holding her mother's hand and in order to convince her I said, "Did you see in the newspaper that the famous singer Madonna and her daughter Lourdes are still holding hands and Lourdes is older than you.” My Sara replayed without hesitation "Do they go to Orchard Park School?"

The time when Sara was ashamed to hold her mom's hand is over. She is now a grown young woman at the age of 21 and loves to walk holding her mom’s hand. And although she can choose where she wants to spend her holidays, she still likes to spend them with her mother in Croatia. So, a few days ago we were walking through the “Gornji Grad” in Zagreb and Sara took some beautiful photos. Here is what she posted on her Instagram story. I am very proud and happy that my child sees me as a mother as well as a friend.



P.S. I do have to tell you all that after reading this Sara told me that she occasionally still gets these old feelings and doesn’t want to hold my hand.

Wednesday, April 13th, 2022

Držanje za ruke

U vrijeme dok je Sara bila još beba jako sam si željno sam isčekivala vrijeme kad ću ju voditi za ruku. Taj čin držanja za ruke je nešto što mi je emotivno strahovito puno značilo i u tome sam istinski uživala dok je Sara odrastala. No u periodu od nekih 10 godina, dok je još bila u osmogodisnjoj skoli Sara se sramila drzati mamu za ruku u blizini škole, poput većine djece te dobi. Jednom smo tako šetale i ja sam pokušala uvjeriti Saru da je potpuno u redu da šeta držeći mamu za ruku i u namjeri da ju uvjerim rekla sam “Jesi vidila u novinama da se poznata pjevačica Madonna i njezina kćer Lourdes jos drže za ruke, a Lourdes je starija od tebe?” Moja je Sara ko iz topa ispalila “Dali one idu u Orchard Park školu?”

To vrijeme kad se Sara sramila držati svoju mamu za ruku je prošlo. Ona je sad odrasla mlada žena u dobi od 21 i voli šetati držeći svoju mamu za ruku. I ne samo to. Iako može birati gdje želi provoditi svoje praznike još uvijek rado bira provoditi praznike sa svojom mamom u Hrvatskoj. Tako smo pred par dana šetale Gornjim Gradom u Zagrebu i Sara je napravila nekoliko prekrasnih fotografija. Evo što je objavila na svom Instagramu. Jako sam ponosna i sretna sto me moje dijete doživljava kao mamu prijateljicu.

S ljubavlju,


P.S. Moram vam reći da je Sara komentirala, nakon što je pročitala ovaj članak, kako se osjećaj nelagode kad šetamo držeći se za ruke povremeno još javi, ali ipak to čini za svoju mamu.

Srijeda, 14. travnja 2022.

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