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Writer's pictureKristina Lang

Happy New Year 2021

My dear friends in Croatia, UK, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Belgium, the Netherlands, Denmark, Switzerland, Germany, America, Australia and China, I wish you a happy New Year 2021!

May this New Year be better for all of us, may it bring us peace, external and internal, and may it restore to us at least most of the values ​​we had to give up during this last, truly unfortunate year. I wish all of us to meet again carefree, to kiss and hug, to travel and to spend time with our loved ones.

With a heart full of love


Sara and Kristina

Friday, January 1st, 2021

Sretna Nova 2021. Godina!

Dragi moji prijatelji u Hrvatskoj, UK, Bosni I Hercegovini, Belgiji, Nizozemskoj, Danskoj, Svicarskoj, Njemackoj, Americi, Australiji I Kini zelim Vam srtenu Novu 2021. Godinu!

Nek nam ta Nova svima bude bolja, nek nam donese mir, vanjski I unutarnji, I nek nam vrati barem vecinu vrijednosti kojih smo se tokom ove istinski nesretne godine morali odreci. Zelim nam svima da se opet bezbrizno srecemo, ljubimo I grlimo , da putujemo I da vrijeme provodimo sa svojim najdrazima.

Sa srcem punim ljubavi


Sara I Kristina

Petak, 1. Sijecnja 2021.

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