I have always loved refined and sophisticated British humour. Even while living in Croatia and without a vision of ever being able to live in England, I enjoyed watching British series, and the comedy "Only fools and horses" was one of my favourites. Although I have to point out not every British humour is to my taste. I recently enjoyed watching a typical British series, Downton Abbey, with my Sara, which follows the life of an English aristocratic family and their servants in the early 20th-century. Although the series is not a comedy, this wonderful, prominent humour is constantly flowing through it, most often through the role of Countess Violet Crawley, played by the outstanding actress Maggie Smith. My Sara and I noticed that her role as Countess Crawley has the funniest lines and that’s why we recorded some of her quotes, together with a few from other characters…
Lord Grantham: “I thought you didn’t like him.”
Countess Violet Crawley: “Well, so what? I have plenty of friends I don’t like.”
Series 1: Episode 2
Countess Violet Crawley: “Is it really true? I can’t believe it. Last night he looked so well. Of course, would happen to a foreigner. It’s typical.”
Lady Mary: “Don’t be ridiculous”
Countess Violet Crawley: “I am not being ridiculous. No Englishman would dream of dying in someone else’s house, especially someone they didn’t even know.”
Series 1: Episode 4
Countess Violet Crawley: “You are quite wonderful the way you see room for improvement wherever you look. I never knew such reforming zeal.”
Mrs Crawley: “I take that as a compliment.”
Countess Violet Crawley: “I must have said it wrong.”
Series 1: Episode 5
Countess Violet Crawley: “Mary, listen to me. If you take Matthew now, when his whole future is at risk, he will love you to the end of his days.”
Sybil: “Why, Granny, you are a romantic.”
Countess Violet Crawley: “I’ve been called many things, but never that.”
Series 1: Episode 6
Lady Mary: “Really, Granny. How can you say that I am too worldly but Sybil’s not worldly enough? You cannot be so contrary.”
Countess Violet Crawley: “I’m a woman Mary. I can be as contrary as I choose.”
Series 2: Episode 4
Countess Violet Crawley: “I am so looking forward to seeing your mother again. When I’m with her I’m reminded of the virtues of the English.”
Matthew Crawley: “But isn’t she American?”
Countess Violet Crawley: “Exactly”
Series 3: Episode 1
Lady Grantham’s mother: “Carson and Mrs Hughes. The world has moved on since last we met.”
Carson (the butler): “And we have moved on with it, madam.”
Lady Grantham’s mother: “Really? It seems so strange to think of the English embracing change.”
Series 3: Episode 1
Mrs Crawley: “Were you a very involved mother with Robert and Rosamond?”
Countess Violet Crawley: “Does it surprise you?”
Mrs Crawley: “A bit. I’d imagined them surrounded by nannies and governesses, being starched, and ironed to spend an hour with you after tea.”
Countess Violet Crawley: “Yes, but it was an hour every day.”
Series 3: Episode 8
Countess Violet Crawley: “I’m afraid Tom’s small talk is very small indeed.”
Lord Grantham: “Not everyone can be Oscar Wilde.”
Countess Violet Crawley: “That’s a relief.”
Series 4: Episode 3
Tom Branson: “There is no logic in it”
Countess Violet Crawley: “Well, If I were to search for logic, I should not look for it among the English upper class.”
Series 4: Episode 3
Lord Grantham: “It does seem odd that my third cousin should be a doctor.”
Solicitor Murray: “There are worse professions.”
Lord Grantham: “Indeed.”
Series 1: Episode 1
Friday, April 29th, 2022
Smiješni citati iz serije “Downton Abbey”
Oduvijek sam voljela profinjeni i istančani britanski humor. Čak i dok sam živjela u Hrvatskoj i bez vizije da bi ikada mogla živjeti u Engleskoj, uživala sam u gledanju britanskih serija, a humoristička serija “Mućke” mi je bila jedna od dražih. Premda moram naglasiti nije svaki britanski humor onaj koji se meni sviđa. Nedavno sam sa mojom Sarom uživala u gledanju jedne tipično britanske serije “Downton Abbey” u kojoj se prati život jedne engleske aristokratske obitelji i njihovih slugu, sa početka 20. stoljeća. Iako serija nije humoristička, kroz nju se konstantno provlači taj divni, sofisticirani humor i to najčešće kroz ulogu grofice Violet Crawley koju glumi izvaredna glumica Maggie Smith. Moja Sara i ja smo zapazile da njezina uloga grofice Crawley ima najduhovitije linije i zato smo zabilježile neke od njezinih citata, zajedno sa nekoliko citata od drugih likova.
Lord Grantham: "Mislio sam da ti se ne sviđa."
Grofica Violet Crawley: „Dobro, pa što? Imam ja puno prijatelja koji mi se ne sviđaju.”
Serija 1: Epizoda 2
Grofica Violet Crawley: “Je li to stvarno istina? Ne mogu vjerovati. Sinoć je izgledao tako dobro. Naravno, dogodilo se strancu. Tipično.”
Lady Mary: "Ne budi smiješna"
Grofica Violet Crawley: “Nisam smiješna. Nijedan Englez ne bi sanjao umrijeti u tuđoj kući, pogotovo kod nekoga koga nije niti poznavao.”
Serija 1: Epizoda 4
Grofica Violet Crawley: “Divni ste zbog načina na koji vidite prostor za napredak gdje god pogledate. Nikad nisam poznavala takav reformatorski žar.”
Gospođa Crawley: "Shvaćam to kao kompliment."
Grofica Violet Crawley: "Mora da sam onda krivo rekla."
Serija 1: Epizoda 5
Grofica Violet Crawley: “Mary, slušaj me. Ako uzmeš Matthewa sada, kada mu je cijela budućnost ugrožena, on će te voljeti do kraja života.”
Sybil: "Pa, bako, ti si romantična."
Grofica Violet Crawley: "Zvali su me svakako, ali tako nikad."
Serija 1: Epizoda 6
Lady Mary: “Stvarno, bako. Kako možeš reći da sam ja previše svestrana, ali Sybil nije dovoljno svestrana? Ne možeš biti tako kontradiktorna.”
Grofica Violet Crawley: “Ja sam žena Mary. Mogu biti kontradiktorna koliko god hoću.”
Serija 2: Epizoda 4
Grofica Violet Crawley: “Radujem se što ću ponovno vidjeti vašu majku. Kad sam s njom, podsjetim se na vrline Engleza.”
Matthew Crawley: "Ali, nije li ona Amerikanka?"
Grofica Violet Crawley: "Točno"
Serija 3: Epizoda 1
Majka od lady Grantham: “Carson i gospođo Hughes. Svijet je krenuo dalje od našeg zadnjeg susreta.”
Carson (batler): "I mi sa njim, gospođo."
Majka od lady Grantham: “Stvarno? Čini se tako čudnim pomisliti da Englezi prihvaćaju promjenu.”
Serija 3: Epizoda 1
Gospođa Crawley: "Jeste li bili jako povezana majka s Robertom i Rosamond?"
Grofica Violet Crawley: "Iznenađuje li vas to?"
Gospođa Crawley: “Malo. Zamišljala sam ih okružene dadiljama i guvernantama, uštirkane i ispeglane da provedu sat vremena s vama nakon čaja.”
Grofica Violet Crawley: "Da, ali bilo je sat vremena svaki dan."
Serija 3: Epizoda 8
Grofica Violet Crawley: "Bojim se da je Tomovo maleno ćakulanje doista vrlo maleno."
Lord Grantham: “Ne može svatko biti Oscar Wilde.”
Grofica Violet Crawley: "To je olakšanje."
Serija 4: Epizoda 3
Tom Branson: "Nema logike u tome"
Grofica Violet Crawley: "Pa, ako bih tražila logiku, ne bih je trebala tražiti među engleskim višim slojevima."
Serija 4: Epizoda 3
Lord Grantham: "Čini se čudnim da je moj treći rođak bio liječnik."
Odvjetnik Murray: "Ima i gorih profesija."
Lord Grantham: "Zaista."
Serija 1: Epizoda 1
S ljubavlju,
Petak, 29. travnja 2022.