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Writer's pictureKristina Lang

Dreaming you're here/Sanjam da si tu

Updated: Mar 7, 2022

The nights are warm, my dreams transcend the starry sky.

As the sea caresses my body, I dream you are here.

I feel the touch of your arm around my waist

And everything around me shifts into a purple dream.

The sea is calm, the south winds move by my side

I dream of your body against mine as I walk without you.

Dreams filled with sweet embraces, loving kisses

And I pause as I listen to the familiar tones of your voice.

The mornings are gentle, memorable scenes of blue and white,

I inhale the scent of the Mediterranean on the waves of the Adriatic.

The North Sea sends me your sights and sighs.

In my wishes, you are a part of me that never goes far away.

Be my day, my dawn and summer nights,

Take in the scent of my hair, wait in my arms.

North and south seas, this is the two of us

Lying on the wings of an unfulfilled, deep longing.


Friday, July 30th, 2021

Sanjam da si tu

Tople su noći, snovi nadilaze zvjezdano nebo,

Dok mi more miluje tijelo sanjam da si tu.

Osjećam dodir tvoje ruke oko svog struka

I sve oko mene poprima boje ljubičastog sna.

Toplo je more, južni su vjetrovi uz mene,

Sanjam tvoje tijelo uz moje dok koračam bez tebe.

Snovi se čine kao stvarnost ispunjena poljupcima,

I zastajem dok osluškujem zvonke tonove tvoga glasa.

Nježna su jutra, boje su plavičasto bijele,

Udišem mirise Mediterana na valovima Jadrana.

Sjeverna mi mora šalju tvoje uzdahe;

Postani dio mene što ne odlazi u daljinu.

Budi moj dan, moja zora i pretopla noć,

Udahni miris moje kose, ostani u mom naručju.

Sjever i jug, ljubavi to smo nas dvoje;

Na krilima jedne neostvarene, strastvene čežnje.


Petak, 30. srpnja 2021.

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