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Writer's pictureKristina Lang

Do not trust me/Ne vjeruj mi

Do not trust me when I say I miss you,

As I miss the warm, turquoise Adriatic Sea.

I play with words as the wind plays with trees,

And my soul is a little wild, can’t you see?

Do not believe when I crave from longing,

And when I say “to be with you is all I want.”

I am only tickling your ear with my breath.

In my poems there is some kind of a lovely comfort.

Do not have confidence in my words of love,

I am a player and a master, in my verses colours flow,

All my rivers are violet, fast and shallow.

Do not trust me, writing for fun is all I know.

Do not have faith when I say I want you,

My horizons are like a poplar tree, elegant and tall,

That line where the sky and the sea meet,

So distant and untouchable. Surprisingly, I remember it all.


Sunday, February 5th, 2023

Croatian translation/Hrvatski prijevod

Ne vjeruj mi

Ne vjeruj mi kad kažem da mi nedostaješ,

Kao što mi nedostaje toplo, tirkizno Jadransko more.

Igram se riječima kao što se vjetar igra drvećem,

I moja je duša pomalo divlja, zar ne vidiš?

Ne vjeruj kad žudim od čežnje,

I kad kažem "biti s tobom je sve što želim."

Ja samo dahom škakljam tvoje uho.

U mojim pjesmama postoji neka vrsta ljupke utjehe.

Nemoj imati povjerenja u moje riječi ljubavi,

Ja sam igrač i majstor, u mojim stihovima boje se prelivaju,

Sve su moje rijeke ljubičaste, brze i plitke.

Ne vjeruj mi, pisanje iz zabave je sve što znam..

Nemoj vjerovati kad kažem da te želim,

Moji horizonti su poput stabla jablana, elegantni i visoki,

Ta linija gdje se spajaju nebo i more,

Tako je daleka i nedodirljiva. Začudo, sjećam se svega.


Nedelja, 5. veljače 2023.

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