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Writer's pictureKristina Lang

Cashmere scarf/Šal od kašmira

Updated: Mar 7, 2022

Sometimes you are somehow infinitely far away

And then I wonder if I made you up.

Still, the taste of cappuccino on my lips

Leaves a desire to touch yours.

You're not here, strangers surround me,

Their voices meet my thoughts.

I recall the chestnut-coloured eyes and autumn within me

Takes on the splendour of freshly fallen leaves.

And while the music quietly caresses my morning

I love that you exist somewhere, although without me.

The memory of your smile awakens my imagination

And our distances become some bridging proximities.

You're not here, and yet you are. I can feel your breath

On my neck, it flickers like the autumn wind.

I wish you were around me like a cashmere scarf.

Only in fantasy and in dreams, but it still counts, right?



Friday, October 29th, 2021

Šal od kašmira

Ponekad si nekako beskrajno daleko

I tad se pitam jesam li Te izmislila.

Ipak, okus kapučina na mojim usnama

Ostavlja želju da dotaknem Tvoje.

Nisi tu, uz mene su nepoznati ljudi,

Njihovi glasovi se susreću sa mojim mislima.

Prizivam u sjećanje oči boje kestena

I jesen u meni poprima raskoš tek otpalog lisća.

I dok muzika tiho miluje moje jutro

Volim što negdje postojiš, čak i bez mene.

Sjećanje na tvoj osmijeh budi moju maštu

I naše daljine postaju neke premostive blizine.

Nisi tu, a ipak jesi, osjećam Tvoj dah

Na mom vratu, treperi kao jesenji vjetar.

Voljela bih da si oko mene kao šal od kašmira;

Samo u mašti i u snovima, ali ipak se broji, zar ne?

S ljubavlju,


Petak, 29. listopada 2021.

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